These workshops are designed to provide junior faculty with the knowledge and skills that can enhance their careers at Illinois.
Reading Day Workshops for Assistant Professors are highly engaging, hands-on workshops that feature a range of topics from opportunities for enhancing their ongoing research activities, to resources and strategies for achieving work-life balance, to understanding the promotion process at Illinois, to making the most of mentoring relationships, and many others.
Mentoring Graduate and Undergraduate Students
In this workshop, we will focus on strategies to mentor students by aligning expectations between faculty member (mentor) and students (mentees). We will also share effective approaches when providing constructive feedback in person, at a distance, across multiple mentees, and within appropriate personal boundaries.
Who should attend?
This workshop is for full-time lecturers and assistant professors (tenure-stream and specialized faculty).
Workshop Goals
- Gain knowledge and skills to successfully engage in interdisciplinary and team research at Illinois.
- Share tips, strategies, and resources for conducting interdisciplinary and team research.
- Understand how interdisciplinary research is handled in promotion and tenure.
Thursday, December 12, 2019
9:00-11:00 AM
Writing Your Teaching Statement for Promotion
In this workshop, we will discuss the requirements and strategies for preparing your teaching statement for your promotional dossier. You will also have an opportunity to engage in small group discussions and gain valuable information and advice on what to include and highlight in your teaching statement.
Who should attend?
This workshop is for full-time lecturers and assistant professors (tenure-stream and specialized faculty).
Workshop Goals
- Acquaint participants with the dossier preparation requirements at Illinois.
- Provide an overview of processes used to review dossiers by P&T committees.
- Share tips, strategies, and resources for writing teaching statements.