Illinois has 16 colleges and instructional units that provide more than 150 undergraduate programs and more than 100 graduate and professional programs.
All courses, curriculum, academic catalog pages, and units/centers/programs/institutes/departments have a lifecycle – creation, maintenance, and elimination. The Office of the Provost is here to help though all lifecycle phases.
All new, revised, and deactivated courses must be approved by the Office of the Provost upon the recommendation of the department, the college, and, in the case of 400- through 500-level courses, the Graduate College. Visit the links below for more information.
Changes to existing programs or proposals for new programs are reviewed by the Office of the Provost and are subject to approval by the Academic Senate, Board of Trustees, Illinois Board of Higher Education, Higher Learning Commission, and Department of Education.
To propose, revise, or deactivate courses and academic programs, as well as edit Academic Catalog pages, you would use the respective CIM or CAT system and the proposal would go through governance. CIM and CAT are modules that our campus uses from the CourseLeaf online software platform. For more information about this system, including CIM Access and autogenerated emails that you may receive as proposals move through governance, visit the Course, Program, and Academic Catalog Management page.
*Center or Institute included.