Many opportunities, both on and off campus, are available to faculty to help develop their leaderships skills.
Academic Leadership Seminar Series
The Academic Leadership Seminar Series is designed for new and experienced executive officers who wish to engage in dialogue, share best practices, and discuss issues such as leadership, financial and strategic planning, and faculty development.
Big Ten Academic Alliance
Illinois participates in two leadership programs sponsored by the Big Ten Academic Alliance (BTAA, formerly the CIC): the Academic Leadership Program and the Department Executive Officer Program. Each year, college deans are invited to nominate one or two individuals from their college for each program.
Building Pathways for Emerging Leaders at Illinois
Building Pathways for Emerging Leaders at Illinois is a year-long leadership development program organized by the Office of the Provost. It is designed for faculty members at the associate and full professor rank who demonstrate leadership potential in their current role. The goal of the Building Pathways program is to increase the pool of potential academic leaders in our campus.
Presidential Fellows Program
The Presidential Fellows Program is sponsored by the Office of the President of the University of Illinois System. This program is designed to stimulate and facilitate projects by faculty members from across the System to help realize institutional goals.
Provost Fellows Program
The Provost Fellows Program provides academic leadership experience in key campus administrative roles for distinguished faculty. Fellows participate in a range of mentoring and learning opportunities, collaborate with colleagues in the Provost’s and Chancellor’s Offices and in other academic and administrative offices across campus, and assume leadership roles on critical campus strategic initiatives and projects, designed in conjunction with fellows’ individual interests and longer-range career goals.