Assessment Workshops and Events

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Assessment Workshops

In addition to the Assessment Brown Bag Series, we will offer one assessment workshop during the fall semester (October). For the spring semester, faculty and staff involved in learning outcomes assessment for their unit are encouraged to attend the Student Success Symposium (early February) to learn more about the intersection of learning outcomes assessment and student success.

Assessment Brown Bag Series

“Let’s Talk Assessment” Brown Bag Series

October 6, 2023 | November 3, 2023 | December 1, 2023 | March 1, 2024 | April 5, 2024 | May 3, 2024

All meetings will be held noon – 1 p.m. on Zoom

The Assessment Brown Bag meetings are informal opportunities for faculty and staff to engage in discussions around various learning outcomes assessment topics and receive feedback on learning outcomes assessment-related questions, projects, or initiatives. Discussions are driven by those in attendance, so please bring your questions, thoughts, and ideas. View materials from past sessions. Join our mailing list to receive meeting invitations and updates. Please register if you can attend.

Additional resources and materials from past meetings can be accessed via the Learning Outcomes Assessment Community shared Box folder. For more information, please contact Linell Edwards or Staci Provezis.

Assessment Insight Chats

Need additional feedback on the learning outcomes assessment process for your unit? Then sign-up for an Assessment Insight Chat. These 30-minute sessions serve as an opportunity to address any questions or concerns you might have about the learning outcomes assessment process. Schedule an appointment.

Past Assessment Workshops

AY 2022-23

Orientation for Program-Level Assessment Liaisons

Thursday, September 15, 2022 | 1 p.m. – 2 p.m. | Zoom


  • Staci Provezis, Associate Provost in the Office of the Provost
  • Linell Edwards, Coordinator in the Office of the Provost

This session is designed for new and returning program-level assessment liaisons who would like to know more about the learning outcomes assessment process at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. The presenters will define “assessment” and explain the expectations for this work. Attendees will be made aware of various resources to facilitate the learning outcomes assessment work in their units.

Learning Outcomes Assessment Planning

Tuesday, November 15, 2022 | 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. | Zoom


  • Staci Provezis, Associate Provost in the Office of the Provost
  • Linell Edwards, Assistant Director in the Office of the Provost

This workshop is designed to introduce the next phase of learning outcomes assessment at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and to help programs develop robust learning outcomes assessment plans to ensure students are acquiring the desired knowledge, skills, and competencies.

Completing the AY 2022-23 Learning Outcomes Assessment Update

Thursday, March 23, 2023 | 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. | Zoom


  • Staci Provezis, Associate Provost in the Office of the Provost
  • Linell Edwards, Assistant Director in the Office of the Provost

Are your program learning outcomes up to date? During this interactive session, we will provide guidance on how to evaluate your program learning outcomes as you prepare to submit the learning outcomes assessment update that is due May 15, 2023. While this session will be geared toward undergraduate programs, all are welcome to attend. An overview of learning outcomes assessment at Illinois, including the purpose and expectations for this work will be provided. You will also have an opportunity to evaluate your program learning outcomes and receive feedback during this session.

Making Sense of Learning Outcomes Assessment Results

Thursday, April 13, 2023 | 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. | Zoom


  • Maria Bonn, Associate Professor and Program Director in the School of Information Sciences
  • David Hays, Professor and Head in the Department of Landscape Architecture
  • Lucas Henry, former Academic Program Coordinator in the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
  • Joanne Manaster, Senior Instructor in the School of Integrative Biology
  • Michelle Tomaszycki, Program Coordinator in the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences

What do your assessment results say about student learning in the program? The purpose of this workshop is to share strategies for evaluating and interpreting learning outcomes assessment evidence at the program level. Representatives from various programs will discuss their process for evaluating and interpreting learning outcomes assessment evidence. Workshop participants will have the opportunity to reflect on their own strategies for evaluating and interpreting learning outcomes assessment evidence at the program level.

AY 2021-22

Completing the Learning Outcomes Assessment Update for AY 2021-22

April 14, 2022 | 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. | Zoom


  • Staci Provezis, Associate Provost in the Office of the Provost
  • Linell Edwards, Coordinator in the Office of the Provost
  • Fatima Husain, Professor in the College of Applied Health Sciences
  • Brenda Lindsay, Teaching Full Professor in the School of Social Work

During this session, we will provide guidance on completing the Learning Outcomes Assessment Update that is due October 1, 2022. An overview of Learning Outcomes Assessment at Illinois and revisions to the Assessment Update form will be discussed. This year’s workshop will also address myths and realities of learning outcomes assessment. A panel of Council for Learning Outcomes Assessment (C-LOA) members will reflect on their experience as reviewers and provide suggestions for faculty and staff who are preparing to submit the Assessment Update for AY 2021-2022.

Navigating the Assessment Process: Exemplary Learning Outcomes Assessment at Illinois

Wednesday, April 20, 2022 | 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. | Zoom


  • Staci Provezis, Associate Provost in the Office of the Provost
  • Linell Edwards, Coordinator in the Office of the Provost
  • Stephanie Smith, Associate Professor of Curriculum & Instruction in the College of Education
  • Lynn Burdick, Faculty Development Coordinator for Curriculum & Instruction in the College of Education
  • Brian Allan, Interim Associate Director of Academic Affairs and Professor of Entomology in the School of Integrative Biology
  • Joshua Herbold, Associate Professor of Accountancy in the Gies College of Business

Each year the Council for Learning Outcomes Assessment, also known as C-LOA, reviews the annual Assessment Updates and identify programs that are engaged in exemplary learning outcomes assessment work. Less than 10% of programs receive this designation each year. During this workshop, assessment liaisons from programs that were identified as exemplary for AY 2020-21 will discuss their assessment process and provide insights into best practices.

AY 2020-21

Completing the Assessment Progress Report

April 7, 2021 | 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. | Zoom


  • Staci Provezis, Associate Provost in the Office of the Provost
  • Linell Edwards, Coordinator in the Office of the Provost
  • Fatima Husain, Professor in the College of Applied Health Sciences
  • Christopher Seals, Assistant Professor in the College of Veterinary Medicine

During this session, we will provide guidance on completing the Assessment Progress Form that is due October 1, 2021. An overview of Learning Outcomes Assessment at Illinois and revisions to the Progress Report Form will be discussed. A panel of Council for Learning Outcomes Assessment members will reflect on their experience as reviewers and provide suggestions for faculty and staff who are preparing to complete the Progress Report for AY 2020-2021.

Writing Student Learning Outcomes

April 14, 2021 | 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. | Zoom


  • Cheelan Bo-Linn, Senior Specialist in the Center for Innovation in Teaching & Learning
  • Staci Provezis, Associate Provost in the Office of the Provost
  • Linell Edwards, Coordinator in the Office of the Provost

In this interactive workshop, you will learn what are the characteristics of good learning outcomes, how to write learning outcomes at different levels, how to use Bloom’s taxonomy to create appropriate level of learning outcomes, and what ways backward design can be used to create program level learning outcomes. Please bring your program’s current learning outcomes with you, so you can work on them during the session.

Assessing Critical Thinking and Communication Skills

April 21, 2021 | 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. | Zoom


  • Staci Provezis, Associate Provost in the Office of the Provost
  • Linell Edwards, Coordinator in the Office of the Provost

The cornerstone of a college education is critical thinking and communication. Most programs list these two areas as learning outcomes to some degree. During this interactive session, participants will find out ways to effectively assess these important skills at the program level. Please bring along at least two student work products with identifying information removed, so you can examine them during the session using the AAC&U VALUE rubrics.

Navigating the Assessment Update Process

Tuesday, September 22, 2020 | 8:30 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. | Zoom


  • Staci Provezis, Office of the Provost
  • Linell Edwards, Office of the Provost
  • Anna Dilger, College of Agricultural, Consumer & Environmental Sciences
  • Justin Aronoff, College of Applied Health Sciences
  • Min Zhan, School of Social Work

During this session, we will provide guidance on completing the Assessment Update Form that is due October 1, 2020 and highlight aspects of exemplary assessment updates. Panelist will provide an overview of their program’s assessment update process including barriers/challenges and key takeaways. Please register for the workshop if you can attend, or if you are interested in the topic and you cannot attend. We will share materials with everyone who registers for the workshops.

AY 2019-20

Using Institutional Surveys as Evidence

Thursday, March 12, 2020 | 1:30 p.m. – 3 p.m. | 407, Illini Union


  • Staci Provezis, Associate Provost for Academic Effectiveness (Office of the Provost)
  • Linell Edwards, Coordinator for Assessment and Evaluation (Office of the Provost)
  • Alexis Thompson, Assistant Dean for Student Success (Graduate College)
  • Julia Makela, Associate Director (The Career Center)

The primary goal for this session is to share information about various institutional surveys and discuss how survey data can be used for learning outcomes assessment work at the program level. Panelist will provide examples from various units across campus. Participants will have the opportunity to apply institutional survey data to a case study and receive feedback on program specific data questions. Laptops are not required.