The schedule for the reviews will be decided by the Deans, Review Council and Provost’s Office. Download the current schedule for Program Review now.
Early Review Policy
Various reasons may signal the need for a program to be reviewed earlier than the scheduled dates, such as concern from the dean about the performance of a program or a decrease in the number of degrees awarded. A program that has already participated in a review may be asked to be reviewed again outside of its typically scheduled review to assure that progress towards improvement is being made.
Rescheduling Program Review Policy
The schedule for Academic Program Review is set by the Academic Program Review Council. Various reasons may signal the need for a program to be reviewed later or earlier than the scheduled dates. For instance, a program may have leadership changes that may cause the program to want to be reviewed earlier or later in the cycle. Staffing concerns may be another example of a possible reason to change the review date. If the program or its Dean would prefer a different date for the review, then the Dean shall submit in writing a request for the date change to the Academic Review Council. The letter must be received by the Program Review Council at least one semester before the review is to take place.