Communication #10: Guidelines and Procedures for Notice of Nonreappointment for Nontenured Faculty Members and for Denials of Promotion Not Linked to Tenure Decisions (AY2024-25)

Last revised November 2024


As explained in this Communication, campus policy may require the issuance of a Notice of Nonreappointment to tenure-track faculty members whose appointments will not be renewed. Accordingly, this Communication sets out the campus’ procedures for issuing Notices of Nonreappointment to tenure-track faculty members falling under one of the following four appointment categories:

  1. Assistant professors in Year 1 of the probationary period; 
  2. Assistant professors in Years 2-5 of the probationary period 
  3. Assistant professors in Year 6 of the probationary period; and 
  4. Faculty members with “Q” or “W” appointments, as defined by Provost’s Communication No. 5: Term Professorial Appointments and Special Agreements for Definite Term Appointments to Faculty Ranks.

Unit Executive Officers must pay close attention to the affected faculty member’s appointment category, as that category dictates the applicable Notice of Nonreappointment procedure. Additionally, and as detailed below, the Unit Executive Officer of the administrative unit (i.e., department, school, college, or campus) originating the nonreappointment recommendation bears particular responsibilities for stewarding the nonreappointment process and notifying the affected faculty member of its results. Unit Executive Officers should therefore be proactive in understanding their role in the nonreappointment process and, if uncertain of their responsibilities, seek guidance from their College or from the Provost’s Office at the earliest opportunity. 

The Notice of Nonreappointment procedures established by this Communication provide affected faculty members with three fundamental protections:

  1. A careful review of their record;  
  2. Timely notice of the nonreappointment decision with a general statement of the reason(s) for it prior to issuance of a formal Notice of Nonreappointment by the Board of Trustees; and  
  3. An opportunity to have that nonreappointment recommendation reconsidered by the administrative unit that originally made it.

Moreover, these procedures including the suggested calendar of events (see Section 2: Calendar of Events for Colleges of this Communication) and corresponding dates contained within them are intended to provide the aforementioned protections in a judicious and orderly manner.  

However, this Communication is limited to implementing the University’s Statutes governing the issuance of Notices of Nonreappointment. It does not create any new rights beyond those conferred by the Statutes, or amend the Statutes in any way. Any portion of this Communication that amends or creates new rights under the University Statutes, as determined by a duly authorized interpreting authority (e.g., the Board of Trustees or a court of law), must be disregarded. 

Additionally, the procedures established by this Communication are prescriptive. While the Provost expects units to follow these procedures to the fullest extent possible in each case, doing so may be infeasible in some circumstances. Accordingly, limited deviations in the prescribed procedures, including its timelines, are tolerable so long as subsequent procedural review by the appropriate administrative offices determines that the affected faculty member was afforded all of the fundamental protections enumerated above. Finally, the official version of these guidelines and procedures are posted on the Office of the Provost’s website, and is subject to modification at any time.

Calendar of Events for Colleges

JuneThe Office of the Provost sends a list of faculty members who will be in Year 6 of the probationary period during the following academic year to the Colleges
February 1Each College sends the Office of the Provost a list of the faculty members in Year 1 of their probationary period it recommends for nonreappointment.
February 7Each College sends the Office of the Provost a list of the faculty members (see Appointment Categories 2-4 listed in Section 1: Overview) it recommends for nonreappointment effective at the completion of the current academic contract year (August 15).
By February 15 

Each College, through the affected faculty member’s home department sends a letter to Assistant Professors in Year 1 of the probationary period stating its decision to recommend nonreappointment, with copies to the Office of the Provost and the Illinois Human Resources.

Note that this letter, sent by the affected faculty member’s home college, is not the Notice of Nonreappointment. Only the Board of Trustees sends the Notice of Nonreappointment, and only after all campus-level nonreappointment processes (including reconsideration of the original nonreappointment recommendation) have been completed.

Each College, through the affected faculty member’s home department should send nonreappointment recommendation letters to these faculty members as far in advance of February 15 as practicable, to allow them enough time to make alternative plans.

By March 1The Board of Trustees notifies faculty members whose Notices of Nonreappointment are effective at the completion of the current academic contract year (August 15)
By May 15 

Each College through the affected faculty member’s home department, to the fullest extent practicable, sends a letter stating its decision to recommend nonreappointment, with copies to the Office of the Provost and the Illinois Human Resources, to:

  1. Assistant professors in Years 2-5 of the probationary period;
  2. Assistant professors in Year 6 of the probationary period, and;
  3. Faculty members with “Q” or “W” appointments, as defined by Provost’s Communication No. 5: Term Professorial Appointments and Special Agreements for Definite Term Appointments to Faculty Ranks.

Each College, through the affected faculty member’s home department should send nonreappointment recommendation letters to these faculty members as far in advance of May 15 as practicable, to allow them enough time to make alternative plans.

Failure to send a nonreappointment recommendation letter to an affected faculty member by May 15 may obligate the Board of Trustees to issue that faculty member a terminating contract extending their employment beyond the end of the standard academic year (August 15).

By August 15The Board of Trustees issues Notices of Nonreappointment and, where applicable, terminal contracts. 

The calendar of events and corresponding completion dates provided above do not apply to faculty members whose appointment periods are not based on the standard academic year (i.e., the twelve-month period beginning on August 16 and ending the following August 15), or who are appointed under special contracts. Departments and Colleges responsible for initiating the nonreappointment process should develop a nonreappointment calendar specific to these faculty members to ensure the protection of their process rights, and should seek advice as necessary from the Office of the Provost and the Illinois Human Resources.  

Finally, the above calendar of events and corresponding completion dates do not apply to denials of promotion from Associate Professor to Full Professor, as these denials do not pose nonreappointment questions.

Information Regarding Notice of Nonreappointment by Category

Category 1 — Assistant Professors in Year 1 of the Probationary Period

When a College recommends the nonreappointment of a faculty member in Year 1 of their probationary period, the Dean of the College (or their designate) in which the nonreappointment recommendation originated must submit that faculty member’s name to the Office of the Provost no later than February 1. Recommendations for nonreappointment must be sent to the Office of the Provost by the affected faculty member’s College, and not by their department.  

The College, through the affected faculty member’s home department, must notify the faculty member, in writing, of its nonreappointment recommendation no later than February 15. A copy of the notification letter should be sent to the faculty member, the executive officer at each administrative level, and the Provost (if they are not already included in the list of copies). If the College meets this deadline, the Board of Trustees is positioned to issue the faculty member a Notice of Nonreappointment by March 1. Timely issuance of the Notice of Nonreappointment results in the termination of the faculty member’s appointment at the close of the standard academic year (i.e., on August 15).  

If the Board of Trustees issues the Notice of Nonreappointment to the faculty member after March 1, it must offer them a terminal contract for one additional year of service. (See University Statutes, Article X. Section 1.b (4)).

Category 2 – Assistant Professors in Years 2-5 of the Probationary Period

The Provost strongly encourages each academic unit to review annually the overall performance of each faculty member in their probationary period (see Provost’s Communication No. 21: Annual Faculty Review). The Provost also requires that each academic unit complete a formal review of each tenure-stream faculty member in the third year of their probationary period (see Provost’s Communication No. 13: Review of Faculty in Year Three of the Probationary Period). At the College’s discretion, these reviews may be conducted at the Departmental or College level. Based on these reviews the College may recommend that a faculty member in year two through five of their probationary period not be reappointed. Recommendations for nonreappointment must be sent to the Office of the Provost by the affected faculty member’s College, and not by their department. 

If possible, the College through the affected faculty member’s home department must notify the faculty member, in writing, of its nonreappointment recommendation no later than May 15. A copy of the notification letter should be sent to the faculty member, the executive officer at each administrative level, and the Provost (if they are not already included in the list of copies). If the College meets this deadline, the Board of Trustees is positioned to issue the faculty member a Notice of Nonreappointment by August 15. The University Statutes entitle nonreappointed faculty members in years two through five of their probationary periods to at least one year’s notice. Accordingly, an offer for a terminal contract must accompany the affected faculty member’s Notice of Nonreappointment.

For Faculty Members Entering Year 6 of the Probationary Period

Each spring semester, the Office of the Provost sends to each College a list of faculty members who will begin the sixth year of their probationary period in the following academic year. If the College has or plans to recommend the faculty member for indefinite tenure and promotion in rank, then it must complete the tenure and promotion paperwork and process as detailed in Provost’s Communication No. 9: Promotion and Tenure

If on the other hand, the College will recommend that the faculty member not be promoted and not granted indefinite tenure, the University Statutes require that the Board of Trustees issue a Notice of Nonreappointment at least one year in advance of the affected faculty member’s termination date, and to include with this Notice of Nonreappointment an offer of a terminal contract for the following academic year (i.e., an offer of appointment for a sixth probationary year). In order to allow the Secretary of the Board of Trustees to issue the Notice of Nonreappointment and terminal contract offer by August 15 of the year preceding the termination date, Colleges through the affected faculty member’s home department, are asked to notify faculty members of their nonreappointment recommendations, if possible, no later than May 15. A copy of the notification letter should be sent to the faculty member, the executive officer at each administrative level, and the Provost (if they are not already included in the list of copies).

Category 3 — Assistant Professors in Year 6 of the Probationary Period

A promotion dossier, including external letters and the cover sheet with votes, is required for all faculty members in this category. Note that the dossier may be in draft form (i.e., may not contain written departmental evaluations or an EO statement) if a negative decision is made at the departmental level. See Communication No. 9: Promotion and Tenure, for guidance regarding required contents of a dossier. 

If the originating department recommends against granting promotion and indefinite tenure, the Unit Executive Officer should consult with the next higher administrative level before initiating the issuance of a Notice of Nonreappointment. With consultation from the higher administrative level, the unit that made the recommendation notifies the faculty member and initiates the Notice of Nonreappointment. A copy of the notification letter should be sent to the faculty member, the executive officer at each administrative level, and the Provost (if they are not already included in the list of copies).

Category 4 — Associate Professors and Professors on “Q” and “W” Appointments

For Associate Professors and Professors who have a “Q” appointment (an initial term appointment for a specified period at the advanced rank, but without tenure), units must complete the tenure review of the faculty member during the penultimate (i.e., second to last) year of the contract and may take one of the following actions:

  1. Recommend the faculty member for indefinite tenure at the current rank or recommend the faculty member for indefinite tenure and promotion. 
  2. If a review indicates that the scholarly record does not warrant indefinite tenure, then the Unit Executive Officer should:  
    • Notify the faculty member in writing as soon as possible, but preferably not later than May 15. In any case, the written communication should be given prior to August 15 of the current academic year.  
    • Provide a copy of the notification letter to the faculty member, the executive officer at each administrative level, and the Provost (if they are not already included in the list of copies). 
  3. Under unusual circumstances, the Unit Executive Officer may submit a request for an extension of the term appointment. The Department in consultation with the College should submit the request through the appropriate channels to the Provost. If approved, the Provost will request the Illinois Human Resources and the Office of University Counsel to draw up a special agreement for extending the term of the Q appointment.

Although not required by the University of Illinois Statutes, for Associate Professors and Professors on “Q” appointments, campus policy requires that faculty members receive a one- year notice if they are not being recommended for indefinite tenure. The Board of Trustees does not issue the notice for “Q” appointees, but rather by the campus in accord with standard procedures for other cases. This will confirm that the faculty member’s employment will cease upon expiration of the “Q” contract (see Communication No. 5: Term Professorial Appointments and Special Agreements for Definite Term Appointments to Faculty Ranks

Should circumstances warrant, a faculty member might sign a “Special Written Agreement to Accept Academic Appointment and Reappointment for a Definite Term” (see Provost Communication No. 5: Term Professorial Appointments and Special Agreements for Definite Term Appointments to Faculty Ranks). This agreement results in the assignment of a “W” tenure symbol and releases the University from any commitment to grant tenure. It is generally used only for faculty members paid from non-state funds. Any Notice of Nonreappointment for faculty members in this category must be consistent with that agreement. “W” agreements require formal notice from the Board of Trustees, in addition to a written notice by the appointing College in consultation with the Office of the Provost. Please seek advice for these situations before acting.

Procedures and Guidelines When Issuing a Letter of Notification

The Unit Executive Officer of a department has primary responsibility for a decision to retain or not reappoint a faculty member, in consultation with the departmental advisory or executive committee, or a special committee elected or appointed to evaluate the progress of the faculty member. (See Article II, Section 3; Article IX, Section 3; and Article X, Section 1 of the University of Illinois Statutes.) 

A recommendation to the Board of Trustees to issue a Notice of Nonreappointment may also be made at the College or Campus level. It is recommended that the body normally acting on promotion and tenure (e.g., an executive committee) be consulted. The procedures for issuance of a Notice of Nonreappointment at this level are the same.  

Unit Executive Officers should follow the precise steps as outlined if possible, but these steps should not be treated as if the process is completely rigid. Faculty members or their representatives often discover slight variations in procedures and thereupon claim that the entire process must be invalidated. However, Unit Executive Officers who must certify the validity of the procedures used (see Section 6: Information Regarding the Second Level of Review of Procedures of this Communication) should approach the task with the understanding that minor deviations in the process can and must be tolerated.

Notify the Faculty Member Regarding the Decision

Once a decision has been made to recommend a nonreappointment, it is important that the Unit Executive Officer of the administrative level in which a decision to deny is made notifies that faculty member in writing of this decision as soon as possible (see Attachments for sample letters). The written notice should be given by the date specified in the calendar of events for the relevant appointment category (see Section 2: Calendar of Events for Colleges of this Communication). The letter of notification must:

  1. State the reasons for the decision to recommend that a Notice of Nonreappointment be issued. Some members of the faculty and their representatives have interpreted this requirement to mean that a detailed list of reasons be given. Such is not the intent of the requirement. Rather, the reasons must include enough general information to guide the faculty member who wishes to request reconsideration of the decision. Thus, statements such as “research was not sufficient” or “the quality of the teaching was not sufficient” are suitable. There is no requirement that detailed specifications of weaknesses be given. However, any reason(s) cited must accurately characterize the actual reason(s) for the nonreappointment. For example, a department that gives a letter of notification to a faculty member for performance reasons must not indicate that the action was taken for budget reasons. 
  2. Inform the faculty member that they may request reconsideration of the recommendation by responding within 15 business days of receipt of the letter. An extension is possible with appropriate justification. 
  3. Refer the Faculty Member to Provost Communication No. 10: Guidelines and Procedures for Notice of Nonreappointment for Nontenured Faculty Members and for Denials of Promotion Not Linked to Tenure Decisions.

Provide a Copy of the Letter to all Appropriate Offices

The Unit Executive Officer of the administrative level in which a decision to deny should provide a copy of the letter of notification to the appropriate administrative level (e.g. department head or chair, school director, dean, or provost) and to the Provost (if they are not already included in the list of copies). Additionally, consistent with the Department, School or College By-laws, a copy of the letter may also be made available to the members of the advisory or executive committee or the special committee consulted in the decision.

Ensure Receipt of the Letter by the Faculty Member

The Unit Executive Officer of the administrative level in which a decision to deny may provide a copy of the letter to the faculty member as they meet with the individual. However, the Unit Executive Officer must also send a copy of the document to the faculty member using a manner of communication that is normally used with the faculty member and for which receipt can be confirmed (e.g., electronic mail is acceptable if receipt can be confirmed; United States certified mail, signature confirmation or delivery confirmation is also acceptable). The faculty member’s home department should retain a copy of the document showing receipt.

Offer to Meet with the Faculty Member

As noted above, the Unit Executive Officer of the administrative level in which a decision to deny may meet with the faculty member for an unofficial conversation to discuss the contents of the letter of notification and answer questions about the next steps in the process. In this conversation, the Unit Executive Officer may offer a personal, informal characterization of the faculty member’s case to assist them to understand the decision and decide whether to request reconsideration. Any such informal characterization does not constitute a “detailed list of reasons” referred to above, nor should such characterization be presumed to fully represent the Unit Executive Officer’s own critical assessment of the case or the assessments of others who have reviewed the case. The letter of notification provides the only official statement of reasons for the decision.

Information Regarding Faculty Members’ Request for Reconsideration

Upon receiving the letter of notification, the faculty member may:

Not Respond or Indicate No Desire to Request Reconsideration

If the faculty member informs the Unit Executive Officer that they do not wish to request reconsideration, or if no response is received within the allotted time (within 15 business days of receipt of the letter), the Unit Executive Officer must:

  1. Send a letter to the next administrative level (Dean, Provost, or Chancellor) notifying them that the faculty member has not responded and that a Notice of Nonreappointment be issued.  
  2. Provide a copy of the letter described in (a) to the faculty member, to members of the appropriate reviewing body, and to the Provost (see sample letters in Attachment X).

Respond to the Letter of Notification and Requests Reconsideration

A faculty member who has been notified of the recommendation for nonreappointment may request reconsideration of that recommendation within 15 business days of receipt of the letter of notification. The purpose of such reconsideration is to ensure that relevant information concerning the reasons for the proposed nonreappointment have been fairly and fully reviewed.

Responsibilities of the Faculty Member

  1. Review a redacted copy of the P&T dossier. Before submitting a request for reconsideration, it is recommended that the faculty member contact a designee of the Office of the Provost to receive a redacted copy of their dossier. The Illinois Personnel Record Review Act allows faculty members to inspect internal evaluation documentation used for promotion and tenure review. Please refer to the “Confidentiality” section in Provost’s Communication No. 9: Promotion and Tenure for specific details on what information is made available to the faculty member, when requested. 
  2. Submit a written request for reconsideration. If the faculty member wishes to proceed with the reconsideration process, the faculty member must submit the request in written form to the administrative level that issued the denial for promotion and/or tenure (i.e., department, college, or campus level). The request should include a statement of reasons and/or other information supporting the request for reconsideration.  
  3. Provide a copy of the request for reconsideration to the appropriate administrative levels. It is important to provide a copy of the request for reconsideration to the Unit Executive Officers in the preceding administrative levels (i.e., department head, school director, and/or dean). For example, if the decision to deny is made by the campus P&T committee, the request for reconsideration will be addressed to the Provost with copies provided to the Unit Executive Officers of the faculty member’s home department and college.

Responsibilities of the Unit Executive Officer

  1. Initiate a reconsideration of the case, if the faculty member requests reconsideration and the request is received within 15 business days of receipt of the letter of notification. An extension is possible with appropriate justification. 
  2. Submit the request for reconsideration to the original decision-making body. In most cases, the committee that reviewed and decided on the faculty member’s P&T dossier is the appropriate body to reconsider the decision. It is within the Unit Executive Officer’s discretion to determine whether the original decision-making body should be convened, with consultation from the next administrative levels. 
  3. Convene a specially constituted committee. On occasion, it may be advisable to convene a special committee to consider the request for reconsideration. A specially constituted committee may be appropriate if there is a need for an alternative review of the case or if the faculty member makes a compelling argument in the written request for reconsideration that a fair hearing cannot occur within the unit. The composition of a specially appointed committee is within the Unit Executive Officer’s discretion. This decision should be guided by the principle of securing input and advice from individuals with expertise in the relevant scholarly areas. 
  4. Consult the body that made the original negative recommendation if on appeal, the faculty member is given a positive recommendation for promotion and tenure by a specially-constituted committee or by an established appeals committee separate from the committee that made the negative recommendation. In consultation with the original committee and the committee that reconsidered the case, the Unit Executive Officer may either:
    • Affirm the decision to recommend that a Notice of Nonreappointment be issued. In this case, the Unit Executive Officer should notify the faculty member of the decision to affirm the original decision in their case, with a copy to the appropriate reviewing body. At the same time, the Unit Executive Officer must transmit the recommendation that a Notice of Nonreappointment be issued to the next administration level. 
    • Prepare a positive recommendation for promotion and tenure based on the merits of the case and transmit this recommendation to the next administrative level. In this case, the Unit Executive Officer should take steps to initiate the formal promotion and tenure recommendation through the normal channels as outlined in Provost Communication No. 9: Promotion and Tenure. The votes from both the original committee and the committee that reconsidered the case should be reported on the cover sheet of the dossier. 

Special Note on Decisions Made to Deny Tenure at the Campus Level

When the decision to deny tenure is made at the campus level, and the faculty member contests the decision, a special reconsideration process is used involving two individuals who have served on the Campus Committee on Promotion and Tenure in recent years and two faculty members qualified to judge the merits of the case, but who have not previously been consulted about it. This process is used to provide as thorough and fair a reconsideration process as is possible.

As the chief campus academic officer, the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs is delegated responsibility to conduct the final substantive review concerning a candidate’s eligibility for promotion and tenure. There is no substantive appeal of the Provost’s decision to deny tenure and/or promotion. The Chancellor, however, serves as a second-level reviewing officer to hear challenges on procedural matters.

Information Regarding the Second Level of Review of Procedures

If the denial is upheld during the reconsideration process, the case must receive a second-level procedural review. The review will focus upon whether established procedures were properly followed and whether the faculty member received a fair review. Minor procedural flaws do not require reversal. Thus, the next administrative level (i.e., Dean, Provost, or Chancellor) receives and reviews the materials. Administrative officers charged with making a determination as to the validity and fairness of the procedures should satisfy themselves that three crucial procedural elements were fulfilled: 

  1. The faculty member’s record was carefully examined. 
  2. The faculty member received a timely notice of the decision concerning nonreappointment, along with the reasons for the recommendation. 
  3. The faculty member had an opportunity to have the decision reconsidered at the same administrative level at which it was originally made. 

If these three elements were fulfilled and it is clear that full and fair consideration of the matter has been given, then minor variations in procedures can be tolerated. Different actions follow if the procedures are determined to be adequate versus when they are not (See sample letters in the Attachments).

Procedures are Determined to be Adequate

If the procedures are determined to be adequate, the second-level administrator will then transmit the recommendation to the next administrative level (i.e., Dean or Provost, or Chancellor) so that a Notice of Nonreappointment can be issued. A copy of the letter of transmittal should be sent to the faculty member, the executive officers at each administrative level, and the Provost (if they are not already included in the list of copies). Below are scenarios of how the procedure works at each level.

Scenario 1: If the Department executive officer within a College provides the written notification, the Dean of the College conducts the second level procedural review. The dean will review the materials and procedures followed at the department level and determine whether the procedures were adequate. If they are affirmed, the dean will forward to the Provost the recommendation that the Notice of Nonreappointment be issued. 

Scenario 2: If the Department executive officer within a School provides the written notification, the School director conducts the second level procedural review. The School director will review the materials and procedures followed at the departmental level and determine whether or not the procedures were adequate. If they are affirmed, the School director will forward the recommendation to issue the Notice of Nonreappointment to the Dean of the college. 

Scenario 3: If the School director within a College provides the written notification, the Dean of the College conducts the second level procedural review. The dean will review the materials and procedures followed at the School level and determine whether the procedures were adequate. If they are affirmed, the dean will forward to the Provost the recommendation that the Notice of Nonreappointment be issued. 

Scenario 4: If the Dean of a College provides the written notification, then the Provost conducts the second level procedural review. The Provost will review the materials and procedures that were followed at the college level and determine whether or not the procedures were adequate. If they are affirmed, the Provost will recommend to the Chancellor that the Notice of Nonreappointment be issued. 

Scenario 5: If the Provost provides the written notification, then the Chancellor conducts the second-level procedural review. If the Chancellor determines the procedures were adequate, the Chancellor will forward to the Vice President for Academic Affairs the request that the Notice of Nonreappointment be issued.

The table below serves as a summary of the appeal process detailed above. The Appeal Flowchart for Denial of Tenure to Sixth Year Assistant Professors is also the same process used for early promotion cases for Assistant Professors and for tenure cases for Associate Professor Q appointments: 

When a Decision to Deny is made by the: The Letter of Transmittal* is sent to the faculty member by: Substantive Review conducted by:Procedural Review conducted by: Recommendation to Issue Notice of Nonreappointment is forwarded to:
Department Department Head or Chair Original or Special Committee 
(see Responsibilities of the Unit Executive Officer above) 
School or College Provost 
School School Director Original or Special Committee 
(see Responsibilities of the Unit Executive Officer above) 
College Provost
CollegeDean Original or Special Committee 
(see Responsibilities of the Unit Executive Officer above) 
Provost Chancellor 
Provost Provost Special Committee 
(see Special Note above) 
Chancellor VP Academic Affairs 
*A copy of the transmittal letter is sent to the Unit Executive Officer at each administrative level and the Provost.

If Significant Procedural Errors are Found

If significant procedural errors are found, a procedural review is necessary. The flow chart above identifies the appropriate office to serve as reviewing officer to conduct the procedural review. Note that when the officer who reviews the decision for procedural conformity changes, then there is a change in the level of decision:

Role of the Reviewing Officer

  1. Review all documents. Return the documents to the administrative level that made the tenure and/or promotional decision (i.e., department, school, college, or campus) with questions or a request for comments. 
  2. Request additional information, as necessary to the original decision-making body and/or the Unit Executive Officer. 
  3. Make a determination to either reaffirm the decision to enter the Notice of Nonreappointment process at the appropriate stage or to withdraw the recommendation based on a fuller review of the case.  
  4. Inform the Unit Executive Officer of their decision. The Unit Executive Officer at the administrative level that made the original decision to deny promotion and/or tenure should notify the faculty member of the reviewing officer’s decision.

Role of the Unit Executive Officer

  1. Respond to the reviewing officer’s questions. The Unit Executive Officer at the administrative level that made the decision should respond to the questions from the reviewing officer. Thus, if the decision to deny was made at the departmental level, the department head or chair should respond to the questions. If the decision was made at the college level, the Dean or their designee should respond to the questions.  
  2. Consult with the decision-making body. Prior to submitting their response to the reviewing officer, the Unit Executive Officer should ask the original decision-making body or the specially-convened committee to review their response to the questions to determine whether or not any flaw in the process resulted in an unfair assessment of the case. 
  3. Notify the faculty member. The Unit Executive Officer at the administrative level that made the original decision to deny promotion and/or tenure should notify the faculty member of the action taken in their case. The decision letter should be sent to the faculty member, the executive officer at each administrative level, and the Provost (if they are not already included in the list of copies). 
  4. Follow the procedures outlined in this policy should the review results in a reaffirmation of the recommendation to issue a Notice of Nonreappointment. The Unit Executive Officer may wish to consult with the Illinois Human Resources and the Office of the Provost.

Information Regarding Campus Level Confirmation and Recommendation to the Board of Trustees

Confirmation and Recommendation of Nonreappointment

Once the procedures have been reviewed by the appropriate administrative levels and the request to issue a Notice of Nonreappointment has reached the Office of the Provost or the Office of the Chancellor, the Provost or Chancellor will acknowledge the recommendation and advise the Board of Trustees to confirm the nonreappointment and offer a terminal contract.

Processing of Transaction

The Illinois Human Resources will process the necessary transaction to enable the Board of Trustees office to issue the Notice of Nonreappointment. The department, school, or college should not process a transaction.

Issuance of Notice of Nonreappointment by the Board of Trustees

Upon receipt of the appropriate paperwork from The Illinois Human Resources, the Board of Trustees Office will issue the formal Notice of Nonreappointment to the faculty member. The notice will be issued in conjunction with a terminal contract, if appropriate.

Additional Routes of Appeals

The faculty member may present a grievance to the Faculty Advisory Committee, which is advisory to the Provost and Chancellor. In addition, a faculty member may request a hearing before the Senate Committee on Academic Freedom and Tenure. The Faculty Advisory Committee hears cases of all types while the Committee on Academic Freedom and Tenure is charged with hearing cases involving alleged infringements of a faculty member’s academic freedom.

Guidelines for Denials of Promotion Not Linked to Tenure Decisions

The Unit Executive Officer of a department has primary responsibility for promotion decisions of tenured faculty members, in consultation with the departmental advisory or executive committee, or a special committee elected or appointed to evaluate the progress of the faculty member (see Article II, Section 3; Article IX, Section 3; and Article X, Section 1 of the University of Illinois Statutes). 

Occasionally, a recommendation to issue a Notice of Denial of Promotion may be made at the school, college, or campus level. It is recommended that the body normally acting on promotion and tenure (e.g., an executive committee) be consulted. The procedures for issuance of a Notice of Denial of Promotion are similar to the procedures used to issue the Notice of Nonreappointment as described in this Communication with the exception of the issuance of a terminal contract, which is not applicable in this case. Please note that, as with denials of promotion and tenure, the officer who reviews the decision for procedural conformity changes when there is a change in the level of decision.  

A faculty member who has been notified of denial of promotion may request reconsideration of that recommendation. The purpose of such reconsideration is to ensure that relevant information concerning the rationale for the proposed denial of promotion has been fully and fairly reviewed.  

The procedures to be followed are those described in Section 4: Procedures and Guidelines When Issuing a Letter of Notification of this Communication, with the following changes: 

  1. “Nonreappointment” is replaced by “Denial of Promotion.” 
  2. “Issuance of a Terminal Contract” is not applicable in this case.  

Units should follow the steps as outlined with the understanding that each step is not treated as if the process is completely rigid. Faculty members or their representatives often discover slight variations in procedures and thereupon claim that the entire process must be invalidated. However, administrators who must certify the validity of the procedures used should approach the task with the understanding that minor deviations can and must be tolerated. 

Finally, when a determination is made regarding the reconsideration, the Unit Executive Officer of the administrative level at which a reconsideration occurs will communicate in writing the resulting decision to the faculty member. The decision letter should be sent to the faculty member, the Unit Executive Officers at each administrative level, and the Provost (if they are not already included in the list of copies).


Questions relating to use of these procedures should be directed to the Illinois Human Resources (333-6747).  

Questions about academic policy or the status of individual cases should be directed to the Office of the Provost (333-6677). 
