The information found below will assist sponsors in determining when and how to deactivate and reactivate courses in the Course Inventory Management (CIM-C) system. Additionally, this information includes details on the Six-Ten (“6-10”) Policy, which provides a mechanism for reviewing course offerings for relevance and ongoing need.
Deactivating Courses
When a course is no longer useful, the department should take the initiative to have it deactivated. To deactivate a course:
- log into the Course Inventory Management (CIM-C) system;
- type the course rubric and number of the course and search for the course;
- review the CIM Ecosystem and notify the CIM Users in the Department Head Role for programs that reference the course, as they may be impacted by this deactivation. The CIM Ecosystem is the section above the General Information in CIM-C, which shows the catalog pages and programs that reference the course. While not required to use, we have provided a Letter of Acknowledgement template to use if needed;
- click the red Deactivate button on the left side;
- respond accordingly to the small set of questions; and
- click the green Save & Submit button to start the workflow approval process.
Once the Save & Submit button is clicked, CIM-C will route the deactivation request through the necessary departmental, college, and campus level workflow for review and approvals.
Six-Ten Policy
The Six-Ten (“6-10”) Policy provides a mechanism for reviewing course offerings for relevance and ongoing need. While units can pull their 6-10 reports at any time by visiting the DMI website), the Provost’s Office will annually ask colleges to review these reports as part of an annual course and program maintenance review process.
Courses on the 6-10 reports should be reviewed and if they meet any of the conditions bulleted below, should be considered for deactivation and thus removed from the Courses of Instruction within the Academic Catalog to ensure that the Catalog has an accurate listing of available courses:
- the course, regardless of level, has not been offered within the last three years – six academic terms plus three summer terms (Term Violations); or
- average enrollment for the last two successive offerings of the course is fewer than six in a 500-, 600-, or 700-level course OR fewer than 10 in a 100-, 200-, 300-, or 400-level course. Note that the last two terms offered need not be within the three-year period covered by the term violation above (Enrollment Violations).
Additionally, Enrollment Violations Warning will be noted if courses have only been offered once and enrollments were below the guidelines outlined above. These courses were not in violation at the time of review but may be in violation if enrollments are low when the courses are offered again.
Thesis, individual instruction, seminar, internship, research, study abroad and honors seminar courses are exempt from the 6-10 Policy. Additionally, the following rubrics are exempt: CATL, CIC, LCTL, ARAB, HNDI, PERS, TURK, SWAH, and WLOF. Finally, courses that use Title VI funding, are part of the Big Ten Academic Alliance (BTAA) exchange, or service students in FLAS fellowships or the ROTC program are exempt. Courses that have these keywords in their title, listed rubrics before mentioned, or meet the additional exemption criteria noted may still appear on the 6-10 report on the DMI website. Units may reach out to the Provost’s Office with specific course rubrics and numbers to request the specific course be added to the exemption list. Further, exemptions may be granted on a course-by-course basis for courses which by their nature are intended to have low enrollments. Registration statistics are based on enrollments as of the tenth day of class. The policy provides information to units to better understand faculty activity and course demand.
Reactivating Courses
Reactivation of a course is moving a deactivated course into active status within CIM-C such that a sponsor can offer the course again. To reactivate a course, contact the Office of the Registrar.
Once the Office of the Registrar locates the course, the sponsoring unit will need to move the course through CIM-C workflow as a course revision. Since it will not be obvious to a reviewer that it is a reactivation, sponsors should indicate in the justification that it is a reactivation, what term it was deactivated, and why it is now being reactivated. Additionally, a syllabus must be included. Unlike re-using a course number, there is no time limit from when a course was deactivated and when it can be reactivated.