Dual Career Program Frequently Asked Questions (AY2024-25)


Who is qualified to request assistance from the Dual Career Program?

Any member of the University community may reach out to the Dual Career Program for assistance. Dual career partners of tenure-system faculty are given priority and as caseloads allow, limited assistance may be provided to others.

What is the process to request assistance?

The unit or the faculty member may send an email to the Dual Career Liaison to set up a phone call or an online or in-person appointment. In your request, please include: (a) information about the primary hire and the dual career partner; (b) the resume or CV of the dual career partner; and (c) whether the request is for a recruitment or retention situation within the primary hire’s unit.

Does the Dual Career Program assist with non-academic employment?

Yes, the Dual Career Program assists dual career partners with identifying employment opportunities of all kinds both on and off campus.

What types of resources does the Dual Career Program offer?

The Dual Career Program provides support for dual career partners to set them up for success in their job search including:

  1. Application materials review; 
  2. Interview preparation; 
  3. Networking opportunities and warm introductions to hiring managers; and 
  4. Information about Champaign County and surrounding communities.

What does Dual Career Funding entail?

The funding is divided among the primary hire’s unit, the dual career partner’s unit, and the Office of the Provost, with each contributing 1/3 of the total amount.

What positions on campus qualify for Dual Career Funding?

All classifications of employment for the dual career partner may qualify for Dual Career Funding including:

  1. Tenure System Faculty 
  2. Specialized Faculty 
  3. Academic Professional Employees 
  4. Civil Service Employees 

How does the Office of the Provost decide how many years of funding are awarded to partners?

The Office of the Provost considers all information provided in the Dual Career Program application including funding sources, letters of support, and specific situation of the couple and the units involved in the arrangement.

When Dual Career Funding from the Office of the Provost ends, what happens?

For tenure-system faculty positions for the dual career partner, the funding is recurring. For all other classifications of employment, the Office of the Provost will commit funding for up to 3 years, after which, the funding arrangement as detailed in the Dual Career Funding MOU and as agreed upon by the primary hire’s unit and the dual career partner’s unit will take effect.

What is a Dual Career Program Search Waiver? How does that work?

A Dual Career Program Search Waiver is when campus allows a unit to fill a need with a dual career partner outside of a public search. The position must already be approved and classified but not yet posted. Dual career partners must be fully vetted by the dual career partner’s unit including reviewing application material, conducting interviews, and completing reference checks. Once the dual career partner’s unit has determined they would like to move forward with a hire, they can fill out the Dual Career Program form (via Cornerstone) to request a search waiver and funding, if applicable.

What positions on campus qualify for Dual Career Program Search Waiver?

Positions classified as tenure-system faculty, specialized faculty and academic professional have the potential to receive a search waiver.

How does the Dual Career Program assist with job placements outside the University?

The Dual Career Program Liaison will help the dual career partner learn where to look for applicable jobs, provide warm introductions to employers where appropriate, and review application materials.

Department Executive Officers

When should I contact the Dual Career Program and when should I help dual career partners on my own?

As soon as you are aware of a primary hire’s need in a recruitment or retention situation, please reach out to the Dual Career Program immediately for resources and support. While there are times when units may feel they can manage the situation on their own, we strongly encourage units to reach out to the Office of the Provost to access this important campus resource.

Do I need to commit to providing Dual Career Funding for dual career partners to request assistance from the program?

No, but upon request for assistance, you must inform the Office of the Provost if you plan to provide funding for the dual career partner.  This information allows the Dual Career Liaison to understand what resources are available for the dual career partner as they network the dual career partner across campus.

How does Dual Career Funding work for tenure-system faculty positions for dual career partners?

The base salary of the dual career partner is divided into a 1/3, 1/3, 1/3 split among the lead unit, the dual career partner’s unit, and the Office of the Provost. The participating units commit to providing indefinite funding to support the dual career partner’s employment at the university.

What happens after the Provost funding ends for Specialized Faculty, Academic Professional, and Civil Service positions for dual career partners?

It is expected that the dual career partner unit will take on the full salary at that time.

How do we process Dual Career Funding and Search Waiver Requests?

To initiate a search waiver request, access the “New Hire” form via Cornerstone, campus HR online system. Under “Hire Type” select “Dual Career Program” and complete the form.

Will the Office of the Provost provide Dual Career Funding for grant-funded positions?

On rare occasions, and to facilitate the recruitment or retention of the primary hire, the Office of the Provost may provide a portion of the base salary for a limited period, for dual career partners who are employed in grant-funded positions.

Does Dual Career Funding go towards other costs such as benefits, startup packages, etc.?

Dual Career Funding is only applied to the base salary of the dual career partner.

I have a hiring need in my unit, how do I see if there is a dual career partner who fits that need?

The Director of Faculty Recruitment based in the Office of the Provost maintains a list of dual career partners who may be a match for specific positions in various units. For more information, contact us at facultyaffairs@illinois.edu.

Faculty Members and Their Partners

My partner is not pursuing a job in academia. Can the Dual Career Program still help?

Yes! The Dual Career Program is here to help dual career partners whose experience is at every level, industry, and expertise.

Can we reach out to the Dual Career Program before speaking to the lead partner’s unit?

Yes, the Dual Career Program will provide confidential assistance, as requested. The primary hire’s unit will only be contacted when the primary hire and their dual career partner give their consent to reach out to the primary hire’s unit.

Is there a time limit to the Dual Career Program resources?

No, the Dual Career Program is here to work with dual career partners for as long as needed, within reason. Of course, our goal is to help find the right opportunity for dual career partners!

We have been in the community for several years, but our family circumstances have changed. Is it too late to request assistance from the Dual Career Program?

It is never too late to reach out and ask for resources and assistance. We welcome and encourage you to do so, as you need it.

We are not in need of job search assistance, but we have questions about the community. Can the Dual Career Program help with this?

Yes! Please see the Dual Career Program Liaison as your ‘search engine’ to Champaign-Urbana and Central Illinois. No question is too small. We want you to have all the information you need to make Chambana and surrounding communities feel like home.