Communication #14: Special Tenure Code Provision for Appointments Beginning After the Eighth Week of the Academic Year (AY2024-25)

Last revised January 2013


The University’s Statutes provide that, “An initial appointment that begins after the eighth week of the academic year ordinarily does not count toward the probationary period of a faculty member on the tenure-track nor does it ordinarily count as service in establishing eligibility for a sabbatical leave with pay, unless recommended and agreed upon in advance.”  (Article X, Section 1.b.(1)).


Typically, an initial appointment year will count toward the probationary period if the appointment begins before the opening of the ninth week of the semester.  When a faculty member begins after that point in the academic year, however, the initial appointment ordinarily does not count toward the probationary period unless the faculty member requests that it be counted.    

It is very important for a faculty member to understand the implications of counting or not counting an initial partial year of service toward completion of the probationary period, since the decision will affect the timing of promotion and tenure review.  The department is responsible for presenting these implications to the faculty member for his or her consideration.  Absent compelling circumstances, the faculty member’s choice cannot thereafter be reversed. 

For a faculty member who began service after August 16 but before the ninth week, a unit executive officer may appeal for a delay in the start of the tenure clock until the next August 16th if unusual and compelling circumstances exist.  Such appeals are presented through the administrative reporting chain and the Provost will make the final decision.

Calendar of Events

The request to have the year count or not count toward the probationary period must be made at the time of the initial appointment on the tenure track.


The request to have the year count or not count should be made in writing to the department head, chair, or unit executive officer, as the case may be.  The faculty member should be supplied with a copy of this policy and must complete and sign the attached Service Toward Completion of the Probationary Period and submit it to the unit executive officer for approval.  The completed form must accompany the original appointment transaction.  The transaction is initiated in the department, submitted for endorsement through appropriate administrative routing, and then forwarded to Illinois Human Resources.


Questions concerning this policy should be directed to the Office of Illinois Human Resources (333-3101).
