Office of Online Learning

The Office of Online Learning encourages and supports the strategic development of innovative, student-centered programs, projects and initiatives; develops policies and practices that foster online student success; and strengthens the university infrastructure needed to empower equitable and accessible digital education.


Professional Development

Explore conferences and professional memberships offering a range of professional development resources for online and digital education.

Regular and Substantive Interaction

In adherence to federal financial aid criteria for students, instructors at Illinois are expected to maintain frequent and meaningful engagement with students in online courses.

Hands typing on a laptop keyboard

OOL News

The newly launched Office of Online Learning at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign is bringing together faculty, staff and students from across the campus to develop the institution’s mission-driven capacity for digital education.

Aerial view of the Illini Union

Contact OOL

Swanlund Administration Building
601 E John Street, MC 304
Champaign, IL 61820
(217) 333-6677