Rosa Milagros Santos

Rosa Milagros Santos

Associate Provost for Faculty Development
(217) 244-3558

Marita Osuorah

Rosa Milagros Santos is the Associate Provost for Faculty Development. In this role, she provides leadership with processes and policies related to faculty development and success, including faculty mentoring, support for pre-tenure and mid-career faculty, career paths for specialized faculty, and leadership development.

Dr. Santos holds a B.S. from the University of the Philippines, MS from Emporia State University, and a PhD from Utah State University. A member of the Department of Special Education, Dr. Santos is a leading authority on how families and culture influence the development of young children with disabilities. Her research focuses on young children with disabilities and their families within the context of early intervention and early childhood special education services (EI/ECSE). Specifically, she is interested in developing an understanding of the ecologic influence of families and culture on parents and professionals in facilitating young children’s development and learning.

Dr. Santos served as Acting Executive Vice Provost for Academic Affairs from August 2022 through July 2023. Prior to her appointment as Associate Provost, Dr. Santos served as interim head of the Department of Special Education in the College of Education in 2016-17 and was a Provost Fellow for Faculty Development and Diversity in 2015-16. She chaired the Gender Equity Council in 2016-17 and has served on many college and campus committees, including DRIVE, Student Learning Outcome, and the Enhancing Diversity, Guiding Excellence Council.