The Student Code is the authoritative source for academic integrity rules and procedures ( This guide is not intended to replace it.
What are my responsibilities?
Clearly state your class expectations. Be careful not to state absolute sanctions coupled with specific infractions, as it may leave no flexibility on decisions. Both you and teaching assistants should follow the Student Code procedures and report all alleged infractions.
Faculty should regularly check for potential academic integrity violations as student work is submitted so that students can be informed of and learn from their mistakes early in their coursework. Faculty should use the Faculty Academic Integrity Report (FAIR) portal to report potential academic integrity infractions. The software FAIR, used by all colleges except Veterinary Medicine, guides instructors and students through the process exactly as stated in the Student Code and generates all letters and reports.
I suspect a student has committed an infraction, what should I do?
You should investigate all submitted coursework in the present course for prior academic violations before sending an allegation notice through FAIR.
In the allegation notice, make sure to include sufficient information about the alleged violation, using the Student Code verbiage and procedure. Meeting with the student is optional but does not replace their written response. If multiple students are involved, treat each student’s case separately.
The student has ten (10) business days to respond and provide as detailed a response as possible to help you make a decision.
The student should continue to go to class and is not allowed to drop the class while the case is open.
If after sending the allegation notice, I identify additional alleged violations of submitted work prior to the allegation date, what should I do?
If you identify additional or changed alleged violations of submitted work prior to the allegation date after you have sent the allegation notice, you need to send a revised allegation notice through FAIR and allow a student to respond to the revised notice before making a finding of fact.
New cases cannot be opened for violations prior to the allegation letter date.
What do I do about academic integrity violations that occur in work submitted after an academic integrity allegation notice?
You must initiate a new academic integrity case in FAIR for the new alleged violations. A new case cannot be entered until the previous case is closed
The student is not on my roster, what should I do?
Contact your Executive Officer (EO, Department Head or Director) and forward all information to the Office for Student Conflict Resolution at, or contact OSCR directly and copy your EO. The case will be reviewed according to guidelines set by the Senate Committee on Student Discipline (SCSD).
I discover a student from a past course has sold, delivered or distributed copyrighted course materials without my permission. What do I do?
You should email the Office for Student Conflict Resolution at The FAIR portal should be used if distribution of unauthorized materials occurs in the present course.
I made the allegation in writing, what’s next?
You should use this time to gather additional information to help in your decision. The student should provide a written response within ten (10) business days, at which time you may need to gather additional information. Be sure to adhere to FERPA when making inquiries.
You are encouraged to provide the Instructor’s Decision in a timely manner, preferably within a month of the allegation.
I find the student is not in violation of the alleged infraction, what should I do?
Complete the information in the FAIR system, which will send all required notifications, and nothing will be recorded on the student’s record.
I find it is more probably true than not that the student has committed an infraction, what guidelines should I use for deciding on sanctions?
The sanction(s) should be proportional to the severity of the violation. It is appropriate to take into account any mitigating and/or aggravating circumstances. It is perfectly ok to take into account repeated violations in the same semester/same course, but violations in other semesters or other courses should only be addressed by SCSD. Once you make a decision on your finding and sanction, inform the student through FAIR. The FAIR notice will include required information about the appeal options.
I will report my course final grades soon, what do I report for this student’s grade?
Contact the student’s college. If a case is still pending by the deadline to submit grades, then an incomplete grade should be issued by the student’s college until the case is resolved.
Can I have the student dismissed if I find the violation is very serious?
Dismissals or suspensions can only be determined by SCSD, but you may forward such a recommendation as part of the decision in FAIR.
I informed the student of my finding and sanction(s), what’s next?
As part of the FAIR notice, information will be provided to the student about the appeal process. The student will submit their appeal directly to the college or department, as listed in these instructions.
What happens if there is an appeal?
The Appeals Committee chair will contact you with instructions. The Committee will have a hearing, establish if any of the criteria for appeal has been met, and make a recommendation. Both instructor and student may be present at the hearing, present the case, and answer questions from the committee.