2019-20 Academic Leadership Seminar Series

Virtual Seminars

The Academic Leadership Seminar series for the final months of Spring 2020 were conducted in a virtual format. Concurrent with campus steps in handling ongoing concerns with COVID-19, topics in the series were revised and are not reflected in the downloadable PDF schedule of series topics. In addition to the topic of each seminar, updates were given regarding the campus response to COVID-19 and conversations were facilitated on the impact of these unprecedented events on our faculty, staff, and students.

The following sessions for department executive officers were available using Zoom.

Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Session 4

Session 5

Return to On-Campus Work
Thursday, May 21, 2020

Session 6

Fall Planning
Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Session 7

Session 8

International Students and Scholars at Illinois: Issues and Resources

A timely discussion of the unique experiences and perspectives of international students and scholars at Illinois and how your unit can best promote a welcoming and supportive environment for all students.

EO Essentials: Supporting Career Transitions of Faculty

A discussion of your role as Executive Officer in assisting faculty prepare for retirement, understand the different roles of Emeritus faculty, and evaluate faculty’s ability to work. Learn about resources and strategies on how you and your unit can successfully navigate with and alongside faculty through these life transitions.

Previously Held In-person Seminars

Preparing P&T Dossiers: Essential Tips and Strategies

How to compile strong and compelling Promotion and Tenure packages including suggestions when preparing the unit Executive Officer’s statement.

Thursday, September 5, 2019
1030 NCSA

Updates on Campus Budget

An update on the budget reform process, the current campus budget, and related financial issues.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019
1030 NCSA

Fostering an Inclusive Climate through Coaching & Mentoring

Discussion on coaching and mentoring strategies that bring out the best in others, both because of and in spite of our diverse perspectives.

Wednesday, October 8, 2019
407 Illini Union

Enhancing Your Unit’s Global Footprint

A sharing of innovations and best practices to enhance your unit’s research, teaching, and public engagement internationally, including practical do’s and don’ts for faculty, staff, and students who collaborate with colleagues outside the US.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019
1030 NCSA

Professional Employment Redesign 101: What Every EO Needs to Know

An update on hiring for positions exempted from the civil service system including a conversation on the criteria and the processes to support employees and enable your unit to recruit, promote, and retain professional staff.

Thursday, November 21, 2019
210 Illini Union

When Crisis Happens Close to Home

Learn about the roles different committees and offices on campus play to help you and your unit manage crisis.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019
210 Illini Union

The Role of EOs in Facilitating Success of Specialized Faculty

A discussion of best practices and models for mentoring and facilitating professional opportunities of specialized faculty, including tips when preparing promotion packages for specialized faculty.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020
210 Illini Union

Beyond the Numbers: Considering Accountability and Transparency When Budgeting

An engaging discussion on managing your unit’s budget while considering accountability and transparency.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020
407 Illini Union

Accreditation, Assessment, and (Quality) Assurance, Oh My!

The latest on new and updated campus policies, procedures, and next steps related to Illinois’ accreditation with the Higher Learning Commission, including your role and responsibilities as your unit’s Executive Officer before and during HLC’s March 2020 site visit.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020
1030 NCSA

Creating a Leadership Pipeline through Systematic Succession Planning

A how-to for Executive Officers to systematically plan and create a pipeline of successful leaders and prepare and mentor colleagues to develop leadership and management skills.

Thursday, March 12, 2020
1030 NCSA


It is important that Executive Officers continue to ensure that shared governance is upheld at the unit level, even in times of crisis. As executive officers plan to facilitate online meetings through these extraordinary times, here are some considerations for EOs to bear in mind as they conduct faculty and staff meetings using online modalities. Read the full Tips for EOs: Conducting Online Meetings.