Endowed chairs and professorships are awarded to distinguished faculty who excel in research, teaching, and service. The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign has named faculty appointments that are held within departments, colleges, and other academic units, as well as appointed at the campus and university levels. For more information about named faculty appointments, see Provost Communication #6: Named Faculty Appointments.
Last updated: 4.20.2023
Name | Title | Department |
Peter Abbamonte | Fox Family Professor in Engineering | Physics |
Ahmed Rashad Abdel-Khalik | Vernon K. Zimmerman Professor in International Accounting | Accountancy |
Tarek Abdelzaher | The Sohaib and Sara Abbasi Professorship in Computer Science | Computer Science |
Sarita Adve | Richard T. Cheng Professor in Computer Science | Computer Science |
Vikram Adve | Donald B. Gillies Professor in Computer Science | Computer Science |
Heitor Almeida | Stanley C. and Joan J. Golder Distinguished Chair in Corporate Finance | Finance |
Imad Al-Qadi | Grainger Distinguished Chair in Engineering | Civil & Environmental Engineering |
Scott Althaus | Merriam Professor in Political Science | Political Science |
Nancy Amato | Abel Bliss Professor in Computer Science | Computer Science |
Mark Anastasio | Donald Biggar Willett Professor in Engineering | Bioengineering |
Eugene Avrutin | Tobor Family Edowed Professor in History and Jewish Culture & Society | History and Jewish Culture & Society |
Indrani Bagchi | Billie Alexander Field Chair in Reproductive Biology | Comparative Biosciences |
Milan Bagchi | Deb and Tim Paul Professor in Molecular & Cellular Biology | Molecular & Integrative Physiology |
Gaurav Bahl | George B. Grim Professor in Mechanical Science & Engineering | Mechanical Science & Engineering |
Arindam Banerjee | Founder Professor in Computer Science | Computer Science |
Ana Barros | Donald Biggar Willett Chair in Engineering | Civil & Environmental Engineering |
Yuliy Baryshnikov | Fredric G and Elizabeth H Nearing Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering | Electrical & Computer Engineering |
Rashid Bashir | Grainger Distinguished Chair in Engineering | Bioengineering |
Jeffery Baur | Founder Professor in Aerospace Engineering | Aerospace Engineering |
Asef Bayat | Catherine C. and Bruce A. Bastian Professor in Global Translational Studies | Sociology |
Pascal Bellon | Donald W. Hamer Professor in Materials Science & Engineering | Materials Science & Engineering |
May Berenbaum | Swanlund Chair | Entomology |
Jennifer Bernhard | Donald Biggar Willett Professor in Engineering | Electrical & Computer Engineering |
Daniel Bernhardt | Investors in Business Education Distinguished Professor | Economics |
James Best | Jack C. Threet and Richard L. Threet Professor in Sedimentary Geology | Geology |
Rohit Bhargava | Grainger Distinguished Chair in Engineering | Bioengineering |
German Bollero | Robert A Easter Chair | Crop Sciences |
Stephen Boppart | Grainger Distinguished Chair in Engineering | Bioengineering |
Marni Boppart | Saul J. Morse and Anne B. Morgan Professor in the College of Applied Health Sciences | Kinesiology & Community Health |
Paul Braun | Grainger Distinguished Chair in Engineering | Materials Science & Engineering |
Jeffrey Brown | Larry Gies Family Chair in Business | Finance |
Ralph Brubaker | James M. H. Sprayregen Professor in Law | Law |
Martin Burke | May and Ving Lee Professor | Chemistry |
Antoinette Burton | Swanlund Chair | History |
Carla Caceres | G. William Arends Professor in Evolution, Ecology and Behavior | Evolution, Ecology & Behavior |
David Cahill | Grainger Distinguished Chair in Engineering | Materials Science & Engineering |
Ximing Cai | Ben Chie Yen Professor in Civil and Environmental Engineering | Civil & Environmental Engineering |
Louis Chan | Hoeft Professor of Business | Finance |
Timothy Chan | Founder Professor in Computer Science | Computer Science |
Ioannis Chasiotis | Caterpillar Professor in Engineering | Aerospace Engineering |
Chandra Chekuri | Paul and Cindy Saylor Professor in Computer Science | Computer Science |
Deming Chen | Abel Bliss Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering | Electrical & Computer Engineering |
Xiaoling (Clara) Chen | Lillian and Morrie Moss Distinguised Professor of Accountancy | Accountancy |
Kent Choquette | Abel Bliss Professor in Engineering | Electrical & Computer Engineering |
Clara Chu | Director, Mortenson Center for International Library Programs and Mortenson Distinguished Professor | Library |
Mark Cohen | Founder Professor in Engineering | Bioengineering |
Peter Constable | Louis I. Mund Professor in Veterinary Medicine | Veterinary Clinical Medicine |
Jonathan Coppess | Leonard and Lila Gardner/Illinois Farm Bureau Family of Companies Associate Professor in Agricultural Policy | Agricultural & Consumer Economics |
John Cronan | Microbiology Alumni Professor | Molecular & Cellular Biology |
Marcelo Cunha Medeiros | Jorge Paulo Lemann Endowed Chair in Brazilian Economy | Economics |
Brian Cunningham | Intel Alumni Endowed Chair in Electrical and Computer Engineering | Electrical & Computer Engineering |
John Dallesasse | Gregory E Stillman Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering | Electrical & Computer Engineering |
Jacinda Dariotis | The Pampered Chef Ltd. Endowed Chair in Family Resiliency | Human Development & Family Studies |
Leon Dash | Swanlund Endowed Chair | Journalism |
Jerry Davila | Jorge Paulo Lemann Endowed Chair in Brazilian History | History |
Ollie Watts Davis | The Suzanne and William Allen Distinguished Professor of Music | School of Music |
Timothy Dean | James Benson Professor in English | English |
John Dee | Bill A. Nugent Endowed Professor in Music | School of Music |
Scott Denmark | Reynold C. Fuson Professor in Chemistry | Chemistry |
Philippe Di Francesco | Morris and Gertrude Fine Distinguished Professor of Mathematics | Mathematics |
Travis Dixon | David L. Swanson Professor of Communication | Communication |
Minh Do | Thomas & Margaret Huang Endowed Professor | Electrical & Computer Engineering |
Virginia Dominguez | Edward William Gutgsell and Jane Marr Gutgsell Professor | Anthropology |
Alejandro Dominguez-Garcia | M. Stanley Helm Professorship in Electrical and Computer Engineering | Electrical & Computer Engineering |
Michael Donohoe | Irwin Jecha Distinguished Professor | Accountancy |
Sharon Donovan | Melissa M. Noel Chair in Nutrition and Health | Food Science & Human Nutrition |
C. Armando Duarte | Nathan M. Newmark Distinguished Professorship | Civil & Environmental Engineering |
Geir Dullerud | W. Grafton & Lillian B. Wilkins Professor in Mechanical Science & Engineering | Mechanical Science & Engineering |
W. Brooke Elliott | Ernst & Young Distinguished Professor in Accountancy | Accountancy |
Jeff Erickson | Sohaib and Sara Abbasi Professorship in Computer Science | Computer Science |
Rosa Espinosa Marzal | Ivan Racheff Professor in Environmental Engineering | Civil & Environmental Engineering |
Margareth Etienne | Carl L. Vacketta Professor in Law | Law |
Randy Ewoldt | Alexander Rankin Professor | Mechanical Science & Engineering |
Timothy Fan | Khan Family Chair in Veterinary Oncology Research | Veterinary Clinical Medicine |
Placid Ferreira | Tungchao Julia Lu Professor in Mechanical Science Engineering | Mechanical Science & Engineering |
David Forsyth | Fulton Watson Copp Chair in Computer Science | Computer Science |
Bruce Fouke | Ralph Grim Professor of Geology | Geology |
Eduardo Fradkin | Donald Biggar Willett Professor in Engineering | Physics |
Christopher Freeburg | Presidential Humanities and Social Science Chair | English |
Jonathan Freund | Donald Biggar Willett Professor in Engineering | Aerospace Engineering |
Peter Fritzsche | W. D. and Sara E. Trowbridge Professor in History | History |
Ingrid Fulmer | Milton and Zelda Derber Professor in the School of Labor and Employment Relations | School of Labor and Employment Relations |
Charles Gammie | Ikenberry Chair | Astronomy/Physics |
Marcelo Garcia | M. T. Geoffrey Yeh Endowed Chair | Civil & Environmental Engineering |
Paolo Gardoni | Alfredo H. Ang Family Professorship | Civil & Environmental Engineering |
Laura Garrett | Khan Family Chair in Veterinary Clinical Oncology | Veterinary Clinical Medicine |
Philippe Geubelle | Abel Bliss Professor in Engineering | Aerospace Engineering & Engineering Administration |
Andrew Gewirth | Peter C. and Gretchen Miller Markunas Professor of Chemistry | Chemistry |
Martha Gillette | Cell and Developmental Biology Alumni Professor | Cell & Developmental Biology |
Gregory Girolami | William H. and Janet G. Lycan Professor in Chemistry | Chemistry |
Nick Glumac | Shao Lee Soo Professor in Mechanical Science & Engineering | Mechanical Science & Engineering |
Lynford Goddard | Edward C. Jordan Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering | Electrical & Computer Engineering |
Melissa Graebner | Robert C. Evans Endowed Professor in Business | Business Administration |
William Gropp | Grainger Distinguished Chair | Computer Science |
Martin Gruebele | James R. Eiszner Endowed Chair in Chemistry | Chemistry |
Nathan Gunn | Swanlund Chair | School of Music |
Carl Gunter | George and Ann Fisher Professor in Computer Science | Computer Science |
Bruce Hajek | Leonard C. and Mary Lou Hoeft Endowed Chair in Engineering | Electrical & Computer Engineering |
William Hammack | Grainger Distinguished Chair | Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering |
Patrick Hammie | James Avery Endowed Chair | School of Art and Design |
Jiawei Han | Michael Aiken Chair in Computer Science | Computer Science |
Myung-Ja (MJ) Han | Berthold Family Professor in Information Access and Discovery | Library |
Benjamin Hankin | Kanfer Endowed Professor in Clinical Psychology | Psychology |
Pavan Hanumolu | Seendripu Famiy Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering | Electrical & Computer Engineering |
Brendan Harley | Robert W. Schaefer Professor in Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering | Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering |
Sariel Har-Peled | Donald Biggar Willett Professor in Engineering | Computer Science |
Janice Harrington | Clayton and Thelma Kirkpatrick Professor | English |
Mark Hasegawa-Johnson | M. E. Van Valkenburg Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering | Electrical & Computer Engineering |
Youssef Hashash | Grainger Distinguished Chair in Engineering | Civil & Environmental Engineering |
Paul Heald | Albert J. Harno and Edward W. Cleary Chair in Law | Law |
William Helferich | Diet, Women’s Health and Aging Professorship in Food Science and Human Nutrition | Food Science & Human Nutrition |
Wendy Heller | Marjorie Roberts Professorship | Psychology |
Paul Hergenrother | Kenneth L. Rinehart, Jr. Endowed Chair in Natural Products Chemistry | Chemistry |
Geoffrey Herman | Severns Teaching Associate Professor in Computer Science | Computer Science |
Jonathan Higdon | Dennis and Cathy Houston Professor | Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering |
So Hirata | Marvin T. Schmidt Professor in Chemistry | Chemistry |
Axel Hoffmann | Founder Professor in Materials Science and Engineering | Materials Science & Engineering |
Kristin Hoganson | Stanley S. Stroup Professor of United States History | History |
Gilbert Holder | Brand and Monica Fortner Endowed Chair in Theoretical Astrophysics | Physics |
Kathryn Holliday | Biallas Professorship | School of Architecture |
Brant Houston | John S. and James L. Knight Chair in Journalism | Journalism |
Naira Hovakimyan | W. Grafton & Lillian B. Wilkins Professor in Mechanical Science & Engineering | Mechanical Science & Engineering |
Elizabeth Hsiao-Wecksler | Grayce Wicall Gauthier Professor in Mechanical Science & Engineering | Mechanical Science & Engineering |
Heidi Hurd | Ross and Helen Workman Chair in Law | Law |
Heidi Imker | Elaine & Allen Avner Associate Professor in Interdisciplinary Research in University Library | Library |
James Imlay | Swanlund Chair | Microbiology |
Michael Insana | Donald Biggar Willett Professor in Engineering | Bioengineering |
Joseph Irudayaraj | Founder Professor in Bioengineering | Bioengineering |
Scott Irwin | Laurence J. Norton Endowed Chair in Agriculural Marketing | Agricultural & Consumer Economics |
Ravishankar Iyer | George and Ann Fisher Distinguished Professor | Electrical & Computer Engineering |
Anthony Jacobi | Richard W. Kritzer Distinguished Professorship in Mechanical Science & Engineering | Mechanical Science & Engineering |
Sheldon Jacobson | Founder Professor in Computer Science | Computer Science |
Prashant Jain | G. L. Clark Professor in Chemistry | Chemistry |
Jianming Jin | Y. T. Lo Chair in Electrical & Computer Engineering | Electrical & Computer Engineering |
Harley Johnson | Founder Professor in Mechanical Science & Engineering | Mechanical Science & Engineering |
Farzad Kamalabadi | Kung Chie and Margaret Yeh Endowed Professor in Electrical and Computer Engieering | Electrical & Computer Engineering |
Richard Kaplan | Guy Raymond Jones Chair in Law | Law |
Paul J. Kenis | Elio Eliakim Tarika Endowed Chair in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering | Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering |
Madhu Khanna | ACES Distinguished Professor in Environmental Economics | Agricultural & Consumer Economics |
Nam Sung Kim | W. J. ‘Jerry’ Sanders III – Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Endowed Chair | Electrical & Computer Engineering |
William King | Ralph A. Andersen Endowed Chair in Mechanical Science & Engineering | Mechanical Science & Engineering |
Hyun Joon Kong | Robert W. Schaefer Professorship in Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering | Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering |
Matthew Kraatz | Merle H. and Virginia Downs Boren Professorship in Business Administration | Business Administration |
Waltraud Kriven | Donald Biggar Willett Professor in Materials Science & Engineering | Materials Science & Engineering |
Praveen Kumar | Colonel Harry F. and Frankie M. Lovell Endowed Professor in Civil & Environmental Engineering | Civil & Environmental Engineering |
Paul Kwiat | John Bardeen Endowed Chair in Electrical & Computer Engineering and Physics, Sponsored by the Sony Corporation | Physics |
James Ryan Lamare | Soderstrom Professor in School of Labor and Employment Relations | School of Labor and Employment Relations |
John Lambros | Donald Biggar Willett Professor in Aerospace Engineering | Aerospace Engineering |
Christy Landes | Jerry A. Walker Endowed Chair | Chemistry |
Alejandro Lapunzina | Suzanne and William Allen Professorship in Architecture | School of Architecture |
Robert Lawless | Max L. Rowe Professor in Law | Law |
Andrew Leakey | Aiken Chair | Plant Biology |
Deborah Leckband | Reid T. Milner Professor | Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering |
Tonghun Lee | Bei Tse Chao and May Chao Professor of Mechanical Engineering | Mechanical Science & Engineering |
DoKyoung (DK) Lee | Jack A. and Marjorie S. Cavanah Professor in Plant Breeding and Genetics | Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences |
Andrew Leipold | Edwin M. Adams Professor of Law | Law |
Michael LeRoy | LER Alumni Professor | School of Labor and Employment Relations |
Zhi-Pei Liang | Franklin W. Woeltge Professor in Electrical & Computer Engineering | Electrical & Computer Engineering |
Daniel Liberzon | Edward C. Jordan Professorship in Electrical & Computer Engineering | Electrical & Computer Engineering |
Stephan Link | Charles W. and Genevieve M. Walton Professor | Chemistry |
Rui Antonio Loja Fernandes | Lois M. Lackner Professorship of Mathematics | Mathematics |
Stephen Long | Ikenberry Chair | Crop Sciences and Plant Biology |
Oscar Lopez-Pamies | Colonel Harry F. and Frankie M. Lovell Endowed Professor in CEE | Civil & Environmental Engineering |
Zaida Luthey-Schulten | Murchison-Mallory Endowed Chair in Chemistry | Chemistry |
Joseph Lyding | Robert C. MacClinchie Distinguished Professor in Electrical & Computer Engineering | Electrical & Computer Engineering |
Rebecca MacLeod | Daniel J Perrino Endowed Chair in Music Education | School of Music |
Vidya Madhavan | Willett Professor in Physics | Physics |
Joseph Mahoney | Caterpillar Chair in Business Administration | Business Administration |
Jonathan Makela | Abel Bliss Professor in Electrical & Computer Engineering | Electrical & Computer Engineering |
Nancy Makri | Edward William Gutgsell and Jane Marr Gutgsell Chair | Chemistry |
Robert Markley | W. D. and Sara E. Trowbridge Professor in English | English |
Susan Martinis | Stephen G. Sligar Professor in Molecular & Cellular Biology | Biochemistry |
Arif Masud | William J and Eliane F Hall Endowed Professor | Civil & Environmental Engineering |
Moshe Matalon | Caterpillar Professor in Engineering | Mechanical Science & Engineering |
Jason Mazzone | Albert E. Jenner Jr. Professorship in Law | Law |
Sarah McCarthey | Sheila M. Miller Professor of Education | Curriculum & Instruction |
Hedda Meadan-Kaplansky | Margaret Joy Smale Valpey Professor in Special Education | Special Education |
Ruby Mendenhall | Kathryn Lee Baynes Dallenbach Professor in Liberal Arts and Sciences | Sociology and African American Studies |
Gholamreza Mesri | Ralph B. Peck Professorship in Civil & Environmental Engineering | Civil & Environmental Engineering |
William Metcalf | G. William Arends Professor in Life Sciences | Microbiology |
Olgica Milenkovic | Franklin W. Woeltge Professor | Electrical & Computer Engineering |
Nenad Miljkovic | Founder Professor in Mechanical Science & Engineering | Mechanical Science & Engineering |
Nolan Miller | Daniel and Cynthia Mah Helle Professorship in Finance | Finance |
Liviu Mirica | William H. and Janet G. Lycan Professor in Chemistry | Chemistry |
Douglas Mitchell | John and Margaret Witt Professor of Chemistry | Chemistry |
Jeffrey Mondak | James M. Benson Chair in Public Issues and Civic Leadership | Political Science |
Silvina Montrul | Marjorie Roberts Professorship | Spanish, Portuguese, Linguistics |
Michael Moore | Walgreen Chair in Law | Law; Philosophy |
Linda Moorhouse | Suzanne and William Allen Professorship in Music | School of Music |
Stephen Moose | Denton E. and Elizabeth B. Alexander Maize Breeding and Genetics Professorship in Crop Sciences | Crop Sciences |
Chrystalla Mouza | Edward William and Jane Marr Gutgsell Professor | Cirriculum and Instruction |
Harriet Murav | Marjorie Roberts Professorship | Slavic Languages and Literatures; Comparative and World Literature |
Catherine Murphy | Larry R. Faulkner Endowed Chair in Chemistry | Chemistry |
Colleen Murphy | Roger and Stephany Joslin Professor in Law | Law |
Rakesh Nagi | Donald Biggar Willett Professor in Engineering | Industrial & Enterprise Systems Engineering |
Klara Nahrstedt | Swanlund Chair | Computer Science |
Satish Nair | Gregorio Weber Endowed Chair | Biochemistry |
Daniel Newman | Martin Wagner Professor in School of Labor and Employment Relations | School of Labor and Employment Relations |
Thanh Huong (Helen) Nguyen | Ivan Racheff Professorship in Civil and Environmental Engineering | Civil & Environmental Engineering |
David Nicol | Herman M. Dieckamp Endowed Chair in Engineering | Electrical & Computer Engineering |
Shuming Nie | Grainger Distinguished Chair in Bioengineering | Bioengineering |
William Ocasio | James F. Towey Professor of Business and Leadership | Gies College of Business |
Eric Oldfield | Harriet A. Harlin Professor in Chemistry | Chemistry |
Cynthia Oliver | Gutgsell Professor | Dance |
Donald Ort | Robert Emerson Professor in Plant Biology and Crop Sciences | Plant Biology & Crop Sciences |
Michaelene Ostrosky | Grayce Wicall Gauthier Professor of Education | Special Education |
Yanfeng Ouyang | George Krambles Endowed Professor in Rail and Public Transit in Civil & Environmental Engineering | Civil & Environmental Engineering |
Robert Dale Parker | Frank Hodgins Chair in American Literature | English |
Nicholas Paulson | Hobart R. and Marian Gardner Hinderliter Professor in Farm Management | Agricultural & Consumer Economics |
Neil Pearson | Harry A. Brandt Distinguished Professorship in Finance | Finance |
Mark Peecher | Deloitte Professor in Accountancy | Accountancy |
Curtis Perry | Clayton and Thelma Kirkpatrick Professor | English |
Baron Peters | William H. and Janet G. Lycan Professor in the School of Chemical Sciences | Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering |
Heidi Phillips | Dr John A Coyne Professor in Small Animal Surgery | Veterinary Clinical Medicine |
Christopher Rao | Ray and Beverly Mentzer Professorship | Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering |
Jacob Rasmussen | Robert and Ann Canary Professor | Mathematics |
Leslie Reagan | Robert W. Schaefer Professorship | History |
James Rehg | Founder Professor in Computer Science & Industrial & Enterprise Systems Engineering | Computer Science |
Aric Rindfleisch | John M. Jones Professor in Marketing | Business Administration |
Jennifer Robbennolt | Alice Curtis Campbell Professor in Law | Law |
Brent Roberts | Gutgsell Professor | Psychology |
Gene Robinson | Swanlund Chair | Entomology |
Pedro Rodrigues Curi Hallal | Alvin M. & Ruth L. Sandall Professor | Kinesiology & Community Health |
Francisco Rodriguez Suarez | Clayton T. Miers Professorship in Architecture | Architecture |
Jeffery Roesler | Ernest Barenberg Professorship | Civil & Environmental Engineering |
Wendy Rogers | Khan Professor in Applied Health Sciences | Kinesiology & Community Health |
Elyse Rosenbaum | Melvin and Anne Louise Hassebrock Professor | Electrical & Computer Engineering |
Jacqueline Ross | Prentice H. Marshall Professor of Law | Law |
Richard Ross | David C. Baum Professor of Law | Law |
Romit Roy Choudhury | Gilmore Family Endowed Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering | Electrical & Computer Engineering |
D. Fairchild Ruggles | Debra L. Mitchell Chair of Landscape Architecture | Landscape Architecture |
D. Fairchild Ruggles | Presidential Humanities and Social Science Chair | Architecture |
Sandra Ruiz | Sue Divan Associate Professor in Theatre | Theatre |
David Ruzic | Abel Bliss Professor | Nuclear, Plasma & Radiological Engineering |
M. Taher Saif | Edward William Gutgsell and Jane Marr Gutgsell Professor | Mechanical Science & Engineering |
R. Mohan Sankaran | Donald Biggar Willett Professor in Engineering | Nuclear, Plasma & Radiological Engineering |
Gary Schnitkey | Soybean Industry Endowed Chair in Agricultural Strategy | Agricultural & Consumer Economics |
Charles Schroeder | James Economy Professor in Materials Science and Engineering | Materials Science & Engineering |
Charles Schroeder | Dr. Ray and Beveryl Mentzer Professor | Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering |
Kenneth Schweizer | G. Ronald and Margaret H. Morris Professor in Materials Science & Engineering | Materials Science & Engineering |
Huseyin Sehitoglu | John, Alice and Sarah Nyquist Chair in Mechanical Science & Engineering | Mechanical Science & Engineering |
Kimberly Selting | Dr John A Coyne Professor in Small Animal Clinical Practice | Veterinary Clinical Medicine |
David Sepkoski | Thomas M. Siebel Chair in the History of Science | History |
Teresa Serra Devesa | T.A. Hieronymus Distinguished Chair in Future Markets | Agricultural & Consumer Economics |
Sridhar Seshadri | Alan J. and Joyce D. Baltz Professor in Business Administration | Business Administration |
Lui Sha | Donald B. Gilles Endowed Chair | Computer Science |
Jeff Shamma | Dobrovolny Chair | Industrial & Enterprise Systems Engineering |
Naresh Shanbhag | Jack S. Kilby Professor in Electrical & Computer Engineering | Electrical & Computer Engineering |
Bruce Sherrick | Marjorie and Jerry Fruin Professorship in Land Economics | Agricultural & Consumer Economics |
Andrew Singer | Fox Family Professor | Electrical & Computer Engineering |
Vijay Singh | Founder Professor in Agricultural and Biological Engineering | Agricultural & Biological Engineering |
Vijay Singh | ACES Distinguished Professor in Bioprocessing | Agricultural & Biological Engineering |
Murugesu Sivapalan | Chester and Helen Siess Endowed Professor in Civil & Environmental Engineering | Civil & Environmental Engineering |
Petros Sofronis | James W. Bayne Professor in Mechanical Science & Engineering | Mechanical Science & Engineering |
Jon Solomon | Robert C. Novak Chair in Western Civilization and Culture | Classics |
Deepak Somaya | Diane and Steven N. Miller Professor in Business Administration | Business Administration |
Jun Song | Founder Professor in Physics | Bioengineering; Physics |
Nancy Sottos | Swanlund Chair | Materials Science & Engineering |
Billie Spencer | Nathan M. and Anne M. Newmark Endowed Chair in Civil & Environmental Engineering | Civil & Environmental Engineering |
Rayadurgam Srikant | Grainger Distinguished Chair in Engineering | Electrical & Computer Engineering |
M. Claire Stewart | Juanita J. and Robert E. Simpson Deanship | Library |
Monica Stodolska | Brightbill/Sapora Professor in Recreation | Recreation, Sport and Tourism |
Alexander Stolyar | Founder Professor in Industrial & Enterprise Systems Engineering | Industrial & Enterprise Systems Engineering |
James Stubbins | Donald Biggar Willett Professor in Engineering | Nuclear, Plasma & Radiological Engineering |
Andrew Suarez | Jeffrey S. Elowe Professor | Evolution, Ecology & Behavior |
Ellen Swain | Stewart S. Howe Archivist of Student Life and Culture Professor | Library |
Kelly Swanson | The Kraft Heinz Company Human Nutrition Endowed Professor | Division of Nutritional Sciences |
Jonathan Sweedler | James R. Eiszner Family Chair in Chemistry | Chemistry |
Emad Tajkhorshid | J. Woodland Hastings Endowed Chair in Biochemistry | Biochemistry |
Jennifer Teper | John ‘Bud’ Velde Endowed Professor | Library |
John Thode | Landuyt Professorship in Innovation and Entrepreneurship | Technology Entrepreneurship Center |
Lynne Thomas | Juanita J. and Robert E. Simpson Rare Book and Manuscript Library Professorship | Library |
Suja Thomas | Peer and Sarah Pedersen Professor in Law | Law |
Carlos Torelli | Anthony J. Petullo Professor of Business Administration | Business Administration |
Josep Torrellas | Saburo Muroga Professor in Computer Science | Computer Science |
Patrick Tranel | Ainsworth Professor in Crop Sciences | Crop Sciences |
Dallas Trinkle | Racheff Professor in Materials Science and Engineering | Materials Science & Engineering |
Erol Tutumluer | Abel Bill Professor in Engineering | Civil & Environmental Engineering |
Alexander Vakakis | Donald Biggar Willett Professor in Engineering | Mechanical Science & Engineering |
Wilfred van der Donk | Richard E. Heckert Chair in Chemistry | Chemistry |
Venugopal Veeravalli | Henry Magnuski Professor in Electrical & Computer Engineering | Electrical & Computer Engineering |
Yurii Vlasov | John Bardeen Chair in Electrical and Computer Engineering | Electrical & Computer Engineering |
Michael Ward | Stuart L. and Nancy J. Levenick Chair in Sustainability | Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences |
Tandy Warnow | Grainger Distinguished Chair in Engineering | Computer Science |
Lesley Wexler | John D. Columbo Professor of Law | Law |
Rachel Whitaker | Harry E. Prebel Professor in Microbiology | Microbiology |
M. Christina White | William H. and Janet G. Lycan Professor in Chemistry | School of Chemical Sciences |
Pamela Wilkins | Delores R Pajak Professor | Veterinary Clinical Medicine |
Michael Williamson | A. C. Littleton Professor in Accountancy | Accountancy |
Robin Fretwell Wilson | Roger and Stephany Joslin Professor in Law | Law |
Amelia Woods | James K. and Karen S. McKechnie Professor in Applied Health Sciences | Kinesiology & Community Health |
Jeffrey Woods | Mottier Family Professor in Kinesiology and Community Health | Kinesiology & Community Health |
Jing (Cynthia) Wu | Paul W. and Catherina A. Boltz Chair in the History of Monetary Policy | Economics |
Hong Yang | Richard C. Alkire Chair in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering | Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering |
Cunjiang Yu | Founder Professor/Grainger Distinguished Professor (GEBI) | Electrical & Computer Engineering |
ChengXiang Zhai | Donald Biggar Willett Professor in Engineering | Computer Science |
Yuanhui Zhang | Founder Professor in Agricultural and Biological Engineering | Agricultural & Biological Engineering |
Huimin Zhao | Steven L. Miller Chair in Chemical Engineering | Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering |
Xuguo Zhou | Kearns, Metcalf and Flint Endowed Chair | Entomology |
Jian-Min Zuo | Ivan Racheff Professor in Materials Science & Engineering | Materials Science & Engineering |
Pamela Hadley | Charles and Kay Stenberg Endowed Professor in Disability Research | Speech and Hearing Science |
Kimberly Graber | Shahid and Ann carlson Khan Professor | Health & Kinesiology |