College & Departmental Named Chairs and Professors

Endowed chairs and professorships are awarded to distinguished faculty who excel in research, teaching, and service. The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign has named faculty appointments that are held within departments, colleges, and other academic units, as well as appointed at the campus and university levels. For more information about named faculty appointments, see Provost Communication #6: Named Faculty Appointments.

Last updated: 4.20.2023

Peter AbbamonteFox Family Professor in EngineeringPhysics
Ahmed Rashad Abdel-KhalikVernon K. Zimmerman Professor in International AccountingAccountancy
Tarek AbdelzaherThe Sohaib and Sara Abbasi Professorship in Computer ScienceComputer Science
Sarita AdveRichard T. Cheng Professor in Computer ScienceComputer Science
Vikram AdveDonald B. Gillies Professor in Computer ScienceComputer Science
Heitor AlmeidaStanley C. and Joan J. Golder Distinguished Chair in Corporate FinanceFinance
Imad Al-QadiGrainger Distinguished Chair in EngineeringCivil & Environmental Engineering
Scott AlthausMerriam Professor in Political SciencePolitical Science
Nancy AmatoAbel Bliss Professor in Computer ScienceComputer Science
Mark AnastasioDonald Biggar Willett Professor in EngineeringBioengineering
Eugene AvrutinTobor Family Edowed Professor in History and Jewish Culture & SocietyHistory and Jewish Culture & Society
Indrani BagchiBillie Alexander Field Chair in Reproductive BiologyComparative Biosciences
Milan BagchiDeb and Tim Paul Professor in Molecular & Cellular BiologyMolecular & Integrative Physiology
Gaurav BahlGeorge B. Grim Professor in Mechanical Science & EngineeringMechanical Science & Engineering
Arindam BanerjeeFounder Professor in Computer ScienceComputer Science
Ana BarrosDonald Biggar Willett Chair in EngineeringCivil & Environmental Engineering
Yuliy BaryshnikovFredric G and Elizabeth H Nearing Professor in Electrical and Computer EngineeringElectrical & Computer Engineering
Rashid BashirGrainger Distinguished Chair in EngineeringBioengineering
Jeffery BaurFounder Professor in Aerospace EngineeringAerospace Engineering
Asef BayatCatherine C. and Bruce A. Bastian Professor in Global Translational StudiesSociology
Pascal BellonDonald W. Hamer Professor in Materials Science & EngineeringMaterials Science & Engineering
May BerenbaumSwanlund ChairEntomology
Jennifer BernhardDonald Biggar Willett Professor in EngineeringElectrical & Computer Engineering
Daniel BernhardtInvestors in Business Education Distinguished ProfessorEconomics
James BestJack C. Threet and Richard L. Threet Professor in Sedimentary GeologyGeology
Rohit BhargavaGrainger Distinguished Chair in EngineeringBioengineering
German BolleroRobert A Easter ChairCrop Sciences
Stephen BoppartGrainger Distinguished Chair in EngineeringBioengineering
Marni BoppartSaul J. Morse and Anne B. Morgan Professor in the College of Applied Health Sciences Kinesiology & Community Health
Paul BraunGrainger Distinguished Chair in EngineeringMaterials Science & Engineering
Jeffrey BrownLarry Gies Family Chair in BusinessFinance
Ralph BrubakerJames M. H. Sprayregen Professor in LawLaw
Martin BurkeMay and Ving Lee ProfessorChemistry
Antoinette BurtonSwanlund ChairHistory
Carla CaceresG. William Arends Professor in Evolution, Ecology and BehaviorEvolution, Ecology & Behavior
David CahillGrainger Distinguished Chair in EngineeringMaterials Science & Engineering
Ximing CaiBen Chie Yen Professor in Civil and Environmental EngineeringCivil & Environmental Engineering
Louis ChanHoeft Professor of BusinessFinance
Timothy ChanFounder Professor in Computer ScienceComputer Science
Ioannis ChasiotisCaterpillar Professor in EngineeringAerospace Engineering
Chandra ChekuriPaul and Cindy Saylor Professor in Computer ScienceComputer Science
Deming ChenAbel Bliss Professor of Electrical & Computer EngineeringElectrical & Computer Engineering
Xiaoling (Clara) ChenLillian and Morrie Moss Distinguised Professor of AccountancyAccountancy
Kent ChoquetteAbel Bliss Professor in EngineeringElectrical & Computer Engineering
Clara ChuDirector, Mortenson Center for International Library Programs and Mortenson Distinguished ProfessorLibrary
Mark CohenFounder Professor in EngineeringBioengineering
Peter ConstableLouis I. Mund Professor in Veterinary MedicineVeterinary Clinical Medicine
Jonathan CoppessLeonard and Lila Gardner/Illinois Farm Bureau Family of Companies Associate Professor in Agricultural PolicyAgricultural & Consumer Economics
John CronanMicrobiology Alumni ProfessorMolecular & Cellular Biology
Marcelo Cunha MedeirosJorge Paulo Lemann Endowed Chair in Brazilian EconomyEconomics
Brian CunninghamIntel Alumni Endowed Chair in Electrical and Computer EngineeringElectrical & Computer Engineering
John DallesasseGregory E Stillman Professor in Electrical and Computer EngineeringElectrical & Computer Engineering
Jacinda DariotisThe Pampered Chef Ltd. Endowed Chair in Family ResiliencyHuman Development & Family Studies
Leon DashSwanlund Endowed ChairJournalism
Jerry DavilaJorge Paulo Lemann Endowed Chair in Brazilian HistoryHistory
Ollie Watts DavisThe Suzanne and William Allen Distinguished Professor of MusicSchool of Music
Timothy DeanJames Benson Professor in EnglishEnglish
John DeeBill A. Nugent Endowed Professor in MusicSchool of Music
Scott DenmarkReynold C. Fuson Professor in ChemistryChemistry
Philippe Di FrancescoMorris and Gertrude Fine Distinguished Professor of MathematicsMathematics
Travis DixonDavid L. Swanson Professor of CommunicationCommunication
Minh DoThomas & Margaret Huang Endowed ProfessorElectrical & Computer Engineering
Virginia DominguezEdward William Gutgsell and Jane Marr Gutgsell ProfessorAnthropology
Alejandro Dominguez-GarciaM. Stanley Helm Professorship in Electrical and Computer EngineeringElectrical & Computer Engineering
Michael DonohoeIrwin Jecha Distinguished ProfessorAccountancy
Sharon DonovanMelissa M. Noel Chair in Nutrition and HealthFood Science & Human Nutrition
C. Armando DuarteNathan M. Newmark Distinguished ProfessorshipCivil & Environmental Engineering
Geir DullerudW. Grafton & Lillian B. Wilkins Professor in Mechanical Science & EngineeringMechanical Science & Engineering
W. Brooke ElliottErnst & Young Distinguished Professor in AccountancyAccountancy
Jeff EricksonSohaib and Sara Abbasi Professorship in Computer ScienceComputer Science
Rosa Espinosa MarzalIvan Racheff Professor in Environmental EngineeringCivil & Environmental Engineering
Margareth EtienneCarl L. Vacketta Professor in LawLaw
Randy EwoldtAlexander Rankin ProfessorMechanical Science & Engineering
Timothy FanKhan Family Chair in Veterinary Oncology ResearchVeterinary Clinical Medicine
Placid FerreiraTungchao Julia Lu Professor in Mechanical Science EngineeringMechanical Science & Engineering
David ForsythFulton Watson Copp Chair in Computer ScienceComputer Science
Bruce FoukeRalph Grim Professor of GeologyGeology
Eduardo FradkinDonald Biggar Willett Professor in EngineeringPhysics
Christopher FreeburgPresidential Humanities and Social Science ChairEnglish
Jonathan FreundDonald Biggar Willett Professor in EngineeringAerospace Engineering
Peter FritzscheW. D. and Sara E. Trowbridge Professor in HistoryHistory
Ingrid FulmerMilton and Zelda Derber Professor in the School of Labor and Employment RelationsSchool of Labor and Employment Relations
Charles GammieIkenberry ChairAstronomy/Physics
Marcelo GarciaM. T. Geoffrey Yeh Endowed ChairCivil & Environmental Engineering
Paolo GardoniAlfredo H. Ang Family ProfessorshipCivil & Environmental Engineering
Laura GarrettKhan Family Chair in Veterinary Clinical OncologyVeterinary Clinical Medicine
Philippe GeubelleAbel Bliss Professor in EngineeringAerospace Engineering & Engineering Administration
Andrew GewirthPeter C. and Gretchen Miller Markunas Professor of ChemistryChemistry
Martha GilletteCell and Developmental Biology Alumni ProfessorCell & Developmental Biology
Gregory GirolamiWilliam H. and Janet G. Lycan Professor in ChemistryChemistry
Nick GlumacShao Lee Soo Professor in Mechanical Science & EngineeringMechanical Science & Engineering
Lynford GoddardEdward C. Jordan Professor of Electrical & Computer EngineeringElectrical & Computer Engineering
Melissa GraebnerRobert C. Evans Endowed Professor in BusinessBusiness Administration
William GroppGrainger Distinguished ChairComputer Science
Martin GruebeleJames R. Eiszner Endowed Chair in ChemistryChemistry
Nathan GunnSwanlund ChairSchool of Music
Carl GunterGeorge and Ann Fisher Professor in Computer ScienceComputer Science
Bruce HajekLeonard C. and Mary Lou Hoeft Endowed Chair in EngineeringElectrical & Computer Engineering
William HammackGrainger Distinguished ChairChemical & Biomolecular Engineering
Patrick HammieJames Avery Endowed ChairSchool of Art and Design
Jiawei HanMichael Aiken Chair in Computer ScienceComputer Science
Myung-Ja (MJ) HanBerthold Family Professor in Information Access and DiscoveryLibrary
Benjamin HankinKanfer Endowed Professor in Clinical PsychologyPsychology
Pavan HanumoluSeendripu Famiy Professor in Electrical and Computer EngineeringElectrical & Computer Engineering
Brendan HarleyRobert W. Schaefer Professor in Chemical & Biomolecular EngineeringChemical & Biomolecular Engineering
Sariel Har-PeledDonald Biggar Willett Professor in EngineeringComputer Science
Janice HarringtonClayton and Thelma Kirkpatrick ProfessorEnglish
Mark Hasegawa-JohnsonM. E. Van Valkenburg Professor in Electrical and Computer EngineeringElectrical & Computer Engineering
Youssef HashashGrainger Distinguished Chair in EngineeringCivil & Environmental Engineering
Paul HealdAlbert J. Harno and Edward W. Cleary Chair in LawLaw
William HelferichDiet, Women’s Health and Aging Professorship in Food Science and Human NutritionFood Science & Human Nutrition
Wendy HellerMarjorie Roberts ProfessorshipPsychology
Paul HergenrotherKenneth L. Rinehart, Jr. Endowed Chair in Natural Products ChemistryChemistry
Geoffrey HermanSeverns Teaching Associate Professor in Computer ScienceComputer Science
Jonathan HigdonDennis and Cathy Houston ProfessorChemical & Biomolecular Engineering
So HirataMarvin T. Schmidt Professor in ChemistryChemistry
Axel HoffmannFounder Professor in Materials Science and EngineeringMaterials Science & Engineering
Kristin HogansonStanley S. Stroup Professor of United States HistoryHistory
Gilbert HolderBrand and Monica Fortner Endowed Chair in Theoretical AstrophysicsPhysics
Kathryn HollidayBiallas ProfessorshipSchool of Architecture
Brant HoustonJohn S. and James L. Knight Chair in JournalismJournalism
Naira HovakimyanW. Grafton & Lillian B. Wilkins Professor in Mechanical Science & EngineeringMechanical Science & Engineering
Elizabeth Hsiao-WeckslerGrayce Wicall Gauthier Professor in Mechanical Science & EngineeringMechanical Science & Engineering
Heidi HurdRoss and Helen Workman Chair in LawLaw
Heidi ImkerElaine & Allen Avner Associate Professor in Interdisciplinary Research in University LibraryLibrary
James ImlaySwanlund ChairMicrobiology
Michael InsanaDonald Biggar Willett Professor in EngineeringBioengineering
Joseph IrudayarajFounder Professor in Bioengineering Bioengineering
Scott IrwinLaurence J. Norton Endowed Chair in Agriculural MarketingAgricultural & Consumer Economics
Ravishankar IyerGeorge and Ann Fisher Distinguished Professor Electrical & Computer Engineering
Anthony JacobiRichard W. Kritzer Distinguished Professorship in Mechanical Science & EngineeringMechanical Science & Engineering
Sheldon JacobsonFounder Professor in Computer ScienceComputer Science
Prashant JainG. L. Clark Professor in ChemistryChemistry
Jianming JinY. T. Lo Chair in Electrical & Computer EngineeringElectrical & Computer Engineering
Harley JohnsonFounder Professor in Mechanical Science & EngineeringMechanical Science & Engineering
Farzad KamalabadiKung Chie and Margaret Yeh Endowed Professor in Electrical and Computer EngieeringElectrical & Computer Engineering
Richard KaplanGuy Raymond Jones Chair in LawLaw
Paul J. KenisElio Eliakim Tarika Endowed Chair in Chemical and Biomolecular EngineeringChemical & Biomolecular Engineering
Madhu KhannaACES Distinguished Professor in Environmental EconomicsAgricultural & Consumer Economics
Nam Sung KimW. J. ‘Jerry’ Sanders III – Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Endowed ChairElectrical & Computer Engineering
William KingRalph A. Andersen Endowed Chair in Mechanical Science & EngineeringMechanical Science & Engineering
Hyun Joon KongRobert W. Schaefer Professorship in Chemical & Biomolecular EngineeringChemical & Biomolecular Engineering
Matthew KraatzMerle H. and Virginia Downs Boren Professorship in Business AdministrationBusiness Administration
Waltraud KrivenDonald Biggar Willett Professor in Materials Science & EngineeringMaterials Science & Engineering
Praveen KumarColonel Harry F. and Frankie M. Lovell Endowed Professor in Civil & Environmental EngineeringCivil & Environmental Engineering
Paul KwiatJohn Bardeen Endowed Chair in Electrical & Computer Engineering and Physics, Sponsored by the Sony CorporationPhysics
James Ryan LamareSoderstrom Professor in School of Labor and Employment RelationsSchool of Labor and Employment Relations
John LambrosDonald Biggar Willett Professor in Aerospace EngineeringAerospace Engineering
Christy LandesJerry A. Walker Endowed ChairChemistry
Alejandro LapunzinaSuzanne and William Allen Professorship in ArchitectureSchool of Architecture
Robert LawlessMax L. Rowe Professor in LawLaw
Andrew LeakeyAiken ChairPlant Biology
Deborah LeckbandReid T. Milner ProfessorChemical & Biomolecular Engineering
Tonghun LeeBei Tse Chao and May Chao Professor of Mechanical EngineeringMechanical Science & Engineering
DoKyoung (DK) LeeJack A. and Marjorie S. Cavanah Professor in Plant Breeding and Genetics Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences
Andrew LeipoldEdwin M. Adams Professor of LawLaw
Michael LeRoyLER Alumni ProfessorSchool of Labor and Employment Relations
Zhi-Pei LiangFranklin W. Woeltge Professor in Electrical & Computer EngineeringElectrical & Computer Engineering
Daniel LiberzonEdward C. Jordan Professorship in Electrical & Computer EngineeringElectrical & Computer Engineering
Stephan LinkCharles W. and Genevieve M. Walton ProfessorChemistry
Rui Antonio Loja FernandesLois M. Lackner Professorship of MathematicsMathematics
Stephen LongIkenberry ChairCrop Sciences and Plant Biology
Oscar Lopez-PamiesColonel Harry F. and Frankie M. Lovell Endowed Professor in CEECivil & Environmental Engineering
Zaida Luthey-SchultenMurchison-Mallory Endowed Chair in ChemistryChemistry
Joseph LydingRobert C. MacClinchie Distinguished Professor in Electrical & Computer EngineeringElectrical & Computer Engineering
Rebecca MacLeodDaniel J Perrino Endowed Chair in Music EducationSchool of Music
Vidya MadhavanWillett Professor in PhysicsPhysics
Joseph MahoneyCaterpillar Chair in Business AdministrationBusiness Administration
Jonathan MakelaAbel Bliss Professor in Electrical & Computer EngineeringElectrical & Computer Engineering
Nancy MakriEdward William Gutgsell and Jane Marr Gutgsell ChairChemistry
Robert MarkleyW. D. and Sara E. Trowbridge Professor in EnglishEnglish
Susan MartinisStephen G. Sligar Professor in Molecular & Cellular BiologyBiochemistry
Arif MasudWilliam J and Eliane F Hall Endowed ProfessorCivil & Environmental Engineering
Moshe MatalonCaterpillar Professor in EngineeringMechanical Science & Engineering
Jason MazzoneAlbert E. Jenner Jr. Professorship in LawLaw
Sarah McCartheySheila M. Miller Professor of EducationCurriculum & Instruction
Hedda Meadan-KaplanskyMargaret Joy Smale Valpey Professor in Special EducationSpecial Education
Ruby MendenhallKathryn Lee Baynes Dallenbach Professor in Liberal Arts and SciencesSociology and African American Studies
Gholamreza MesriRalph B. Peck Professorship in Civil & Environmental EngineeringCivil & Environmental Engineering
William MetcalfG. William Arends Professor in Life SciencesMicrobiology
Olgica MilenkovicFranklin W. Woeltge ProfessorElectrical & Computer Engineering
Nenad MiljkovicFounder Professor in Mechanical Science & EngineeringMechanical Science & Engineering
Nolan MillerDaniel and Cynthia Mah Helle Professorship in FinanceFinance
Liviu MiricaWilliam H. and Janet G. Lycan Professor in ChemistryChemistry
Douglas MitchellJohn and Margaret Witt Professor of ChemistryChemistry
Jeffrey MondakJames M. Benson Chair in Public Issues and Civic LeadershipPolitical Science
Silvina MontrulMarjorie Roberts ProfessorshipSpanish, Portuguese, Linguistics
Michael MooreWalgreen Chair in LawLaw; Philosophy
Linda MoorhouseSuzanne and William Allen Professorship in MusicSchool of Music
Stephen MooseDenton E. and Elizabeth B. Alexander Maize Breeding and Genetics Professorship in Crop SciencesCrop Sciences
Chrystalla MouzaEdward William and Jane Marr Gutgsell ProfessorCirriculum and Instruction
Harriet MuravMarjorie Roberts ProfessorshipSlavic Languages and Literatures; Comparative and World Literature
Catherine MurphyLarry R. Faulkner Endowed Chair in ChemistryChemistry
Colleen MurphyRoger and Stephany Joslin Professor in LawLaw
Rakesh NagiDonald Biggar Willett Professor in EngineeringIndustrial & Enterprise Systems Engineering
Klara NahrstedtSwanlund ChairComputer Science
Satish NairGregorio Weber Endowed ChairBiochemistry
Daniel NewmanMartin Wagner Professor in School of Labor and Employment RelationsSchool of Labor and Employment Relations
Thanh Huong (Helen) NguyenIvan Racheff Professorship in Civil and Environmental EngineeringCivil & Environmental Engineering
David NicolHerman M. Dieckamp Endowed Chair in EngineeringElectrical & Computer Engineering
Shuming NieGrainger Distinguished Chair in BioengineeringBioengineering
William OcasioJames F. Towey Professor of Business and LeadershipGies College of Business
Eric OldfieldHarriet A. Harlin Professor in ChemistryChemistry
Cynthia OliverGutgsell ProfessorDance
Donald OrtRobert Emerson Professor in Plant Biology and Crop SciencesPlant Biology & Crop Sciences
Michaelene OstroskyGrayce Wicall Gauthier Professor of EducationSpecial Education
Yanfeng OuyangGeorge Krambles Endowed Professor in Rail and Public Transit in Civil & Environmental EngineeringCivil & Environmental Engineering
Robert Dale ParkerFrank Hodgins Chair in American LiteratureEnglish
Nicholas PaulsonHobart R. and Marian Gardner Hinderliter Professor in Farm ManagementAgricultural & Consumer Economics
Neil PearsonHarry A. Brandt Distinguished Professorship in FinanceFinance
Mark PeecherDeloitte Professor in AccountancyAccountancy
Curtis PerryClayton and Thelma Kirkpatrick ProfessorEnglish
Baron PetersWilliam H. and Janet G. Lycan Professor in the School of Chemical SciencesChemical & Biomolecular Engineering
Heidi PhillipsDr John A Coyne Professor in Small Animal SurgeryVeterinary Clinical Medicine
Christopher RaoRay and Beverly Mentzer ProfessorshipChemical & Biomolecular Engineering
Jacob RasmussenRobert and Ann Canary ProfessorMathematics
Leslie ReaganRobert W. Schaefer ProfessorshipHistory
James RehgFounder Professor in Computer Science & Industrial & Enterprise Systems EngineeringComputer Science
Aric RindfleischJohn M. Jones Professor in MarketingBusiness Administration
Jennifer RobbennoltAlice Curtis Campbell Professor in LawLaw
Brent RobertsGutgsell ProfessorPsychology
Gene RobinsonSwanlund ChairEntomology
Pedro Rodrigues Curi HallalAlvin M. & Ruth L. Sandall ProfessorKinesiology & Community Health
Francisco Rodriguez SuarezClayton T. Miers Professorship in ArchitectureArchitecture
Jeffery RoeslerErnest Barenberg ProfessorshipCivil & Environmental Engineering
Wendy RogersKhan Professor in Applied Health SciencesKinesiology & Community Health
Elyse RosenbaumMelvin and Anne Louise Hassebrock ProfessorElectrical & Computer Engineering
Jacqueline RossPrentice H. Marshall Professor of LawLaw
Richard RossDavid C. Baum Professor of LawLaw
Romit Roy ChoudhuryGilmore Family Endowed Professor in Electrical and Computer EngineeringElectrical & Computer Engineering
D. Fairchild RugglesDebra L. Mitchell Chair of Landscape ArchitectureLandscape Architecture
D. Fairchild RugglesPresidential Humanities and Social Science ChairArchitecture
Sandra RuizSue Divan Associate Professor in TheatreTheatre
David RuzicAbel Bliss ProfessorNuclear, Plasma & Radiological Engineering
M. Taher SaifEdward William Gutgsell and Jane Marr Gutgsell ProfessorMechanical Science & Engineering
R. Mohan SankaranDonald Biggar Willett Professor in EngineeringNuclear, Plasma & Radiological Engineering
Gary SchnitkeySoybean Industry Endowed Chair in Agricultural StrategyAgricultural & Consumer Economics
Charles SchroederJames Economy Professor in Materials Science and EngineeringMaterials Science & Engineering
Charles SchroederDr. Ray and Beveryl Mentzer ProfessorChemical & Biomolecular Engineering
Kenneth SchweizerG. Ronald and Margaret H. Morris Professor in Materials Science & EngineeringMaterials Science & Engineering
Huseyin SehitogluJohn, Alice and Sarah Nyquist Chair in Mechanical Science & EngineeringMechanical Science & Engineering
Kimberly SeltingDr John A Coyne Professor in Small Animal Clinical PracticeVeterinary Clinical Medicine
David SepkoskiThomas M. Siebel Chair in the History of ScienceHistory
Teresa Serra DevesaT.A. Hieronymus Distinguished Chair in Future MarketsAgricultural & Consumer Economics
Sridhar SeshadriAlan J. and Joyce D. Baltz Professor in Business AdministrationBusiness Administration
Lui ShaDonald B. Gilles Endowed ChairComputer Science
Jeff ShammaDobrovolny ChairIndustrial & Enterprise Systems Engineering
Naresh ShanbhagJack S. Kilby Professor in Electrical & Computer EngineeringElectrical & Computer Engineering
Bruce SherrickMarjorie and Jerry Fruin Professorship in Land EconomicsAgricultural & Consumer Economics
Andrew SingerFox Family ProfessorElectrical & Computer Engineering
Vijay SinghFounder Professor in Agricultural and Biological EngineeringAgricultural & Biological Engineering
Vijay SinghACES Distinguished Professor in BioprocessingAgricultural & Biological Engineering
Murugesu SivapalanChester and Helen Siess Endowed Professor in Civil & Environmental EngineeringCivil & Environmental Engineering
Petros SofronisJames W. Bayne Professor in Mechanical Science & EngineeringMechanical Science & Engineering
Jon SolomonRobert C. Novak Chair in Western Civilization and CultureClassics
Deepak SomayaDiane and Steven N. Miller Professor in Business AdministrationBusiness Administration
Jun SongFounder Professor in PhysicsBioengineering; Physics
Nancy SottosSwanlund ChairMaterials Science & Engineering
Billie SpencerNathan M. and Anne M. Newmark Endowed Chair in Civil & Environmental EngineeringCivil & Environmental Engineering
Rayadurgam SrikantGrainger Distinguished Chair in EngineeringElectrical & Computer Engineering
M. Claire StewartJuanita J. and Robert E. Simpson DeanshipLibrary
Monica StodolskaBrightbill/Sapora Professor in RecreationRecreation, Sport and Tourism
Alexander StolyarFounder Professor in Industrial & Enterprise Systems EngineeringIndustrial & Enterprise Systems Engineering
James StubbinsDonald Biggar Willett Professor in EngineeringNuclear, Plasma & Radiological Engineering
Andrew SuarezJeffrey S. Elowe ProfessorEvolution, Ecology & Behavior
Ellen SwainStewart S. Howe Archivist of Student Life and Culture ProfessorLibrary
Kelly SwansonThe Kraft Heinz Company Human Nutrition Endowed ProfessorDivision of Nutritional Sciences
Jonathan SweedlerJames R. Eiszner Family Chair in ChemistryChemistry
Emad TajkhorshidJ. Woodland Hastings Endowed Chair in BiochemistryBiochemistry
Jennifer TeperJohn ‘Bud’ Velde Endowed ProfessorLibrary
John ThodeLanduyt Professorship in Innovation and EntrepreneurshipTechnology Entrepreneurship Center
Lynne ThomasJuanita J. and Robert E. Simpson Rare Book and Manuscript Library ProfessorshipLibrary
Suja ThomasPeer and Sarah Pedersen Professor in LawLaw
Carlos TorelliAnthony J. Petullo Professor of Business AdministrationBusiness Administration
Josep TorrellasSaburo Muroga Professor in Computer ScienceComputer Science
Patrick TranelAinsworth Professor in Crop SciencesCrop Sciences
Dallas TrinkleRacheff Professor in Materials Science and EngineeringMaterials Science & Engineering
Erol TutumluerAbel Bill Professor in EngineeringCivil & Environmental Engineering
Alexander VakakisDonald Biggar Willett Professor in EngineeringMechanical Science & Engineering
Wilfred van der DonkRichard E. Heckert Chair in ChemistryChemistry
Venugopal VeeravalliHenry Magnuski Professor in Electrical & Computer EngineeringElectrical & Computer Engineering
Yurii VlasovJohn Bardeen Chair in Electrical and Computer EngineeringElectrical & Computer Engineering
Michael WardStuart L. and Nancy J. Levenick Chair in SustainabilityNatural Resources and Environmental Sciences
Tandy WarnowGrainger Distinguished Chair in EngineeringComputer Science
Lesley WexlerJohn D. Columbo Professor of LawLaw
Rachel WhitakerHarry E. Prebel Professor in MicrobiologyMicrobiology
M. Christina WhiteWilliam H. and Janet G. Lycan Professor in ChemistrySchool of Chemical Sciences
Pamela WilkinsDelores R Pajak ProfessorVeterinary Clinical Medicine
Michael WilliamsonA. C. Littleton Professor in AccountancyAccountancy
Robin Fretwell WilsonRoger and Stephany Joslin Professor in LawLaw
Amelia WoodsJames K. and Karen S. McKechnie Professor in Applied Health SciencesKinesiology & Community Health
Jeffrey WoodsMottier Family Professor in Kinesiology and Community HealthKinesiology & Community Health
Jing (Cynthia) WuPaul W. and Catherina A. Boltz Chair in the History of Monetary PolicyEconomics
Hong YangRichard C. Alkire Chair in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular EngineeringChemical & Biomolecular Engineering
Cunjiang YuFounder Professor/Grainger Distinguished Professor (GEBI)Electrical & Computer Engineering
ChengXiang ZhaiDonald Biggar Willett Professor in EngineeringComputer Science
Yuanhui ZhangFounder Professor in Agricultural and Biological EngineeringAgricultural & Biological Engineering
Huimin ZhaoSteven L. Miller Chair in Chemical EngineeringChemical & Biomolecular Engineering
Xuguo ZhouKearns, Metcalf and Flint Endowed ChairEntomology
Jian-Min ZuoIvan Racheff Professor in Materials Science & EngineeringMaterials Science & Engineering
Pamela HadleyCharles and Kay Stenberg Endowed Professor in Disability ResearchSpeech and Hearing Science
Kimberly GraberShahid and Ann carlson Khan ProfessorHealth & Kinesiology