Quantitative Reasoning II Learning Outcomes
During the Spring 2019 General Education Assemblies for Learning Outcomes, faculty groups began to develop learning outcomes for the Quantitative Reasoning II Requirement. Then, smaller Working Groups from these Assemblies along with students and advisors worked together to digest the information from the larger group and to create draft learning outcomes for Quantitative Reasoning II (see below).
We invite feedback from the campus community on these outcomes.
After taking a course in Quantitative Reasoning II, students will be able to:
- Problem Solving: Categorize an unfamiliar problem; justify the categorization; and identify valid and reliable steps needed to address the problem.
- Information Processing & Synthesis: Extract quantitative information from a reliable field specific a chart, graph, or written work; explain the relevance of the information to the problem under study; and apply the information to related problems in their field of study.
- Ambiguity & Experimentation: Devise a repeatable analytical strategy to explore or explain a quantitative problem; test the strategy and evaluate its effectiveness; and revise the strategy as needed to address the problem under study.