During the Spring 2019 General Education Assemblies for Learning Outcomes, faculty groups began to develop learning outcomes for each general education category. The drafting of the Composition I Requirement took a slightly different approach, utilizing a separate process involving leaders from the University’s three Composition I programs, leading to the creation of the draft learning outcomes for Composition I listed below.
After taking a course in Composition I, students will be able to:
- Writing as a Process: After taking a Composition I course, students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of the writing process, including topic identification, research, outlining, drafting, incorporating peer and instructor feedback, editing, and revising in and/or across multiple pieces of academic writing.
- Rhetorical Situation: After taking a Composition I course, students will be able to analyze and evaluate a rhetorical situation (author, audience, purpose, context) and compose cogent, persuasive arguments for a variety of audiences.
- Research Inquiry: After taking a Composition I course, students will be able to develop research questions, to locate and evaluate sources, and to produce research-based arguments.
- Writing with Sources: After taking a Composition I course, students will be able to integrate (through paraphrasing, quoting, and/or summarizing), synthesize, and cite sources in their writing using one or more academic style guides.
- TBD: A SLO focusing on writing products.*
*In Progress
In an effort to be collaborative and transparent, we have set up this public page to gather feedback about our learning outcomes drafting process from faculty, staff and students of the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. All submitted comments should be relevant to the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign community, are reviewed and are public. Comments can be denied or removed for any of the following reasons, at any time, if they: use obscene, threatening or harassing language; disclose information that is confidential by law or regulation; promote or advocate illegal activity; violate copyrights or trademarks; are commercial advertising, unsolicited self-promotion, SPAM, or solicitations; or endorse or oppose anyone campaigning for election to a political office. All users, including page administrators, are subject to the terms of service. Comments posted to the assessment website do not necessarily represent the opinions of the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.