Revising Existing Courses

To revise existing courses, log into the Course Inventory Management System (CIM C/CIM Courses). Specific information about particular sections of the course revision form may be found on the Proposing New Courses website. Upon submission, CIM will route the request for the necessary departmental, college, (and where appropriate, Graduate College) approvals. For specific questions on using the CIM system or policy should be directed to the Office of the Provost at

The following resources in Box are meant to assist sponsors in proposing courses and for those in course approval roles:

  • CIM Courses revision word document templates
  • CIM Courses Overview powerpoint
  • CIM approval information for those in approver roles
  • Letter of Support/Acknowledgement Template

For courses being revised, it is important to notify units in the CIM Ecosystem who reference the course you are revising in their program or course if the revision could impact their course and/or students enrolled in their program. A template resource for the letter of support (e.g., if adding a course) or acknowledgement (e.g., if removing a course) can be found in Box . The CIM Ecosystem is found above the General Information section in CIM Courses for each course. A few examples are below:

If you are revising the credit hours for a course, you should reach out to the CIM users in the Department Head role for the programs who reference/include your course in their program of study to ensure they are aware of the upcoming revision.

If you are changing the prerequisites for a course, which could impact students’ ability to take the course based on their program of study, you should reach out to the CIM users in the Department Head role for the programs who reference/include your course in their program of study to ensure they are aware of the upcoming revision.